JFK Files Prove Us Gov’t Planned to Set off Bombs Inside US, Kill Innocent People inwards Cuban False Flag

(Matt AgoristMiami, FL — In spite Donald Trump caving to the CIA and asset dorsum hundreds of the classified files—which the regime had 50 years to alter—there are nonetheless some admissions that are simply jaw-dropping. What was in 1 trial the verbalise of conspiracy theories—such every bit faux flag attacks—now has regime documents to bear witness them every bit facts.

Related: Overview of the Deep-State, Secret Space Program, Military-Industral Complex -- The Coming Shift to Cosmic Fascism (Part 2) 

Source - The Free Thought Project

by Matt Agorist, Oct 28th, 2017

Because of humanity’s reluctance to start unprovoked wars, governments must describe a fast 1 on their citizens into thinking countries they desire to assault are posing a genuine threat. This deception of the citizens is oft done hence through either existent or staged events—carried out yesteryear the citizens’ ain government—and too hence blamed on the Earth who the province wants to invade. This human activeness is known every bit a faux flag too governments receive got long used them every bit a way of deceiving their citizens into war.

In the early on 1960s, the military-industrial complex along alongside their alliance inward the CIA wanted state of war alongside Cuba. Their only occupation was selling this state of war to the American people every bit they wanted cypher to practise alongside it—because it would live their sons too daughters who would expire inward it.

Because back upward for a state of war alongside Republic of Cuba was hence scant, too the fact that Republic of Cuba posed no existent threat to America, the warmongers devised a invention to deceive the American populace into accepting a war. This original invention was known every bit Operation North-woods too America’s locomote yesteryear brass was only behind it.

“We could blow upward a U.S. send inward Guantanamo Bay too blame Cuba,” and, “casualty lists inward U.S. newspapers would get a helpful moving ridge of national indignation,” the previously declassified documents noted.

The documents demonstrate “the Joint Chiefs of Staff drew upward too approved plans for what may live the most corrupt invention e'er created yesteryear the U.S. government,” writes James Bamford, writer of Body of Secrets (Doubleday), a volume detailing the declassification of Operation Northwoods.

According to those documents, the Joint Chiefs fifty-fifty proposed using the potential decease of astronaut John Glenn during the commencement travail to seat an American into range every bit a faux pretext for state of war alongside Cuba.

While Operation Northwoods was for sure revealing, inward this latest release of the JFK Files, nosotros instantly receive got a closer await at the details the deep province was planning to describe a fast 1 on Americans into accepting a war.

In the document which was marked TS for Top Secret, the US armed forces revealed its plans to describe a fast 1 on Americans into state of war alongside Cuba. The plans were to create too acquit out faux flag terror attacks against American citizens too usage them every bit propaganda to gain back upward for the state of war against Fidel Castro.

In the documents, officials noted that the plans for the attacks were “approved” too the Joint Chiefs exactly needed to alternative 1 of the nine “pretexts” to usage to describe a fast 1 on US citizens inward to war.

The plans involved killing innocent people too injuring others too making sure these instances would live “widely publicized” every bit propaganda to start an unjust war.

“We could prepare a Communist Cuban terror displace inward the Miami area, inward other Florida cities too fifty-fifty inward Washington. The terror displace could live pointed at Cuban refugees seeking haven inward the United States. We could sink a boatload of Cubans enroute to Florida (real or simulated),” the document reads.

Notice how callous these monsters audio when talking well-nigh drowning a boatload of Cubans—which would receive got probable contained innocent children—to start a bogus state of war for profit.

The document continues, “We could foster attempts on the lives of Cuban refugees inward the the States fifty-fifty to the extent of wounding inward instances to live widely publicized. Exploding a few plastic bombs inward carefully chosen spots, the arrest of a Cuban agent too the release of prepared documents substantiating Cuban interest also would live helpful inward projecting the thought of an irresponsible government.”

When reading the higher upward document, 1 is naturally inclined to laid about questioning every unmarried state of war America has e'er entered. It is also of import to banking concern annotation the Mainstream Media’s role inward pushing these lies to start wars. As mentioned above, the US regime had “prepared documents” ready to manus off to their agents inward the media to laid about selling the war.

Indeed, the American citizens too the residuum of the globe at large seat hence much faith inward mainstream media that they are oft led into unsafe too deadly situations — based only on lies. One glaring too extremely relevant trial is how the corporate media became a parroting organization for the lies leading upward to the invasion of Republic of Iraq inward 2003.

“Intelligence gathered yesteryear this too other governments leaves no incertitude that the Republic of Iraq regime continues to possess too conceal some of the most lethal weapons e'er devised,” then-president George Bush asserted inward a populace address on March 17, 2003. “This regime has already used weapons of majority devastation against Iraq’s neighbors too against Iraq’s people.”

Bush’s assertions were questioned yesteryear non only human rights experts, but yesteryear U.N. weapons inspectors too countless others — hence presently later the U.S. invaded the sovereign nation, the New York Times took upward the slack to fill upward inward the appropriate casus belli.

Now, to a greater extent than than a decade later hundreds of thousands of innocent people were slaughtered inward the conflict created yesteryear the United States, the globe knows — at that topographic point were never whatever weapons of majority destruction.

It wasn’t exactly Iraq, Vietnam was started over a faux flag too.

Nothing exemplifies the mainstream media’s parroting of faux flag terror amend than reporting on the Gulf of Tonkin incident — possibly 1 of most flagrant lies e'er dreamed upward every bit a justification for war.

On August 5, 1964, the New York Times reported: “President Johnson has ordered retaliatory activeness against gunboats too ‘certain supporting facilities inward North Vietnam’ later renewed attacks against American destroyers inward the Gulf of Tonkin.” Additional outlets, such every bit the Washington Post, echoed this claim.

But it wasn’t true. At all. In fact, the Gulf of Tonkin incident, every bit it became known, turned out to live a fictitious creation courtesy of the government to escalate state of war inward Vietnam — leading to the deaths of tens of thousands of U.S. troops too millions of Vietnamese, fomenting the largest anti-war displace inward American history, too tarnishing the reputation of a patch in 1 trial considered at to the lowest degree somewhat noble inward the eyes of the world.

In 2010, to a greater extent than than 1,100 transcripts from the Vietnam era were released, proving Congress too officials raised serious doubts well-nigh the information fed to them yesteryear the Pentagon too White House. But spell this internal grumbling took place, mainstream media dutifully reported official statements every bit if the veracity of the information couldn’t live disputed.

How many senseless wars too millions of deaths are due to the lies perpetuated yesteryear the US regime too their parrots inward the mainstream? We may never know that answer. However, the adjacent fourth dimension someone tells you lot that questioning the official story makes you lot crazy or unpatriotic, demonstrate them this article too tell them that blindly accepting everything the mainstream media too the regime say every bit fact has been responsible for the deaths of millions.

About the Author

Matt Agorist is an honorably discharged veteran of the USMC too onetime intelligence operator straight tasked yesteryear the NSA. This prior sense gives him unique insight into the globe of regime corruption too the American law state. Agorist has been an independent journalist for over a decade too has been featured on mainstream networks roughly the world. Agorist is also the Editor at Large at the Free Thought Project. Follow @MattAgorist on Twitter, Steemit, too instantly on Facebook.
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