Benjamin Fulford -- Oct 30th 2017: Is Donald Trump likewise scared to cite George Bush Sr. as well as P2 Freemasons every mo Kennedy assassins?

(Editor) In accolade of Ben's wishes to withhold posting the total update hither is a portion of his report.

This post volition live updated after around 3 days since its initial release; unremarkably on Thursday.

Updated: The total study has been added below.

Added links below. 
- Justin

Trump Just Announced U.S.A. to Release 3,000 Never Before Seen Documents On JFK Assassination

Pentagon officials, however, say, “Trump muscled the CIA, Mossad, the FBI, together with the Bush cabal to release ALL JFK files, since [then Israeli Prime Minister] Ben Gurion wanted JFK dead, together with the same perps also did 9/11.”

These are the people who aim to create a world fascist regime controlled past times members of European imperial families who claim descent from the Caesars together with from King David, every bit revealed past times forensic enquiry over a catamenia of many years. This research, including meetings with many members of this seat unit of measurement group, has led us to the conclusion that these are the existent “elders of Zion.”

Thanks to the confessions of Benjamin Freedman…

together with others, John F. Kennedy became aware of a plot to inaugural off World War III, wipe out 90% of humanity, together with plough the residue into slaves. The Zionists really nearly succeeded inwards accomplishing this past times triggering all-out nuclear state of war during the Cuban missile crisis. That is why Kennedy decided to select away their original source of power—the powerfulness to create coin out of sparse air.

George Bush Sr. (whose existent seat unit of measurement mention goes dorsum through Sherf together with Pearce to the Roman aristocratic Pecce name) together with the Zionists had Kennedy assassinated inwards gild to forestall the nationalization of the Federal Reserve Board.

Related The Bush Crime Family History | Prescott Bush Helped Nazis, Kennedy Assassination, Vietnam, Reagan Assassination Attempt, together with more

These people are soundless inwards command of the creation of U.S. dollars, Euros, together with Japanese yen out of sparse air. Their original musical instrument of powerfulness inwards the U.S. these days is soundless the Bush/Clinton/Rockefeller Zionist Federal Reserve Board, truth researchers agree.

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 really interesting illustration of how these gangsters distribute their fiat coin tin give notice live seen inwards the article at the link below that shows how the ascension inwards Amazon part prices matches the ascension inwards key banking concern coin printing together with moves inwards the contrary direction of actual Amazon results. There tin give notice live footling dubiety that Jeff Bezos is straightaway “the world’s richest man,” because he has been selected every bit a premier distributor of fiat money.

Forensic enquiry has shown that most (if non all) major listed corporations are controlled, via hedge funds similar Vanguard, BlackRock, State Street, Fidelity, etc., past times this seat unit of measurement group, known straightaway to many every bit the Khazarian mafia.

In Japan, this author has identified the quislings used past times the Khazarian mafia, thank yous to testimony past times assassins formerly inwards their employ here. These people are straightaway vanishing ane past times ane every bit their old hitmen plough on them, the assassins say.

The quisling politico Seiji Maehara played a key role inwards the recent theft of the Japanese election past times Khazarian mobsters led past times Rothschild agent Michael Greenberg together with Barbara Bush cousin Richard Armitage. Maehara is the boy of the North Korean agent Son Tae Chuk, also known every bit Daisaku Ikeda. Ikeda for years was the absolute ruler of the Soka Gakkai Buddhist lay grouping together with controller of the Komeito political party, whose duped members are crucial to maintaining Khazarian command of Japan. Ikeda has been inwards a vegetative solid ground (probably dead) for several years, so Maehara is effectively inwards accuse now, fifty-fifty though he ostensibly belongs to a dissimilar political grouping. White Dragon Society (WDS) sources inwards Nihon say Maehara regularly walks into the U.S. diplomatic mission inwards Tokyo together with is never asked to present whatever ID.

The Khazarians stole the Japanese election because the Party of Hope led past times Koike Yuriko was planning to nationalize the Bank of Japan, say sources unopen to the Japanese emperor.

With U.S. President Donald Trump scheduled to see Nihon Nov 5-7, the Center for Strategic together with International Studies (CSIS, the employer of Greenberg together with Armitage) had large meetings this past times weekend inwards Tokyo to utter over what agenda they were going to introduce to Trump.

[Below is the remaining portion of Fulford's update this week]

Prior to this gathering, the CSIS sent a top agent to run into with a representative of the White Dragon Society. At this meeting, the CSIS official, who personally does non approve of Armitage, said that he was sent past times Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte to investigate the mysterious Dr. Michael Van de Meer, a.k.a. Dr. Michael Meiring, who had both his legs blown off past times a bomb inwards Davao, Philippines when Duterte was mayor there. The official was told Van de Meer believed the bomb was laid past times Duterte, whom he believed was working for George Bush Sr. The CSIS official replied past times maxim Duterte denied whatever involvement inwards setting off the bomb.

When asked what Van de Meer was doing inwards the Philippines, it was explained that he was looking for gold. Van de Meer was representing what he called “the family” together with needed golden inwards gild to stave off their bankruptcy. The “family” he was referring to was none other than the people claiming descent from King David—i.e., the Khazarian mob.

To empathise the dire province of affairs the Khazarian mob is straightaway facing, select a await at the nautical chart of world debt inwards the link below.

What this shows is that the Khazarian mob-controlled G7 nations draw of piece of occupation organization human relationship for 64% of the world’s debt. Nihon together with the USA Corporation lone owe 51% of the world’s debt. The to a greater extent than often than non Asian creditors to the Khazarian nations are demanding payment inwards gold, something the Khazarians have got run out of.

The Khazarians bought fourth dimension inwards 2001 past times blowing upwards the World Trade Center together with invading Republic of Iraq inwards gild to steal petroleum to exercise to pay off their debts.

This fourth dimension the hysterical Khazarian Zionists are trying desperately to exit of their payment obligations past times staging an Armageddon trial using North Korea, which is why stealing the Japanese election was so of import to them.

That is why it is crucial that Donald Trump non live duped past times a faux Khazarian “North Korean threat” story when he comes to Asia adjacent week. Donald Trump has already been fooled past times the story of “North Korean kidnap victims.” For example, the Khazarian mob is putting out a story that the 13-year-old Megumi Yokota was kidnapped past times North Korea, together with they regularly trot out her parents on TV to shed tears nigh their “missing daughter.” In fact, Megumi became the woman parent of North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un together with her parents have got regular undercover meetings with her together with their grandson Kim Jong Un inwards Moscow together with Ulan Bator, Mongolia, according to Japanese armed forces intelligence, members of the Rothschild family, together with others.

The Japanese puppet regime, every bit shortly every bit they stole the election, obediently began screaming nigh the “North Korean threat,” every bit ordered past times their Khazarian slave masters. The Yamaguchi-gumi assassinator “Mr. K” told this author final calendar week that his predictions of a natural disaster inwards Nihon around election fourth dimension were based on Khazarian threats to unleash earthquake weapons inwards gild to ensure Japanese obedience to their rule. It was pointed out to Mr. K that earthquake weapons are non a one-way street together with that a abrupt swarm of earthquakes at La Palma, ane of the Canary Islands inwards the Atlantic, threatened a 100-meter seismic sea wave against the U.S. East Coast together with Southern Europe final week. That was the existent argue why the Khazarians backed off on using their earthquake weapon, he was told.

As long every bit the province of affairs inwards Democratic People's South Korea is kept nether control, this fourth dimension the world has a really existent adventure of bankrupting these Khazarian criminals ane time together with for all. In a hint that may happen, a WDS source inwards Canada notes that, “In the adjacent viii days, Canada, Europe, Japan, America, together with the United Kingdom of Great Britain together with Northern Ireland of Britain together with Northern Republic of Ireland volition all host key banking concern meetings. Something is upwards for sure.” This something could live an destination to fiat banking, which is inevitable. As to precisely when that happens, though, nosotros shall see.

In whatever case, Khazarian mob command of the Middle East together with hence of the petrodollar is crumbling. In Iraq, Mossad property Massoud Barzani “was removed from powerfulness every bit the Kurdish people plough against him for serving Israel,” Pentagon sources note. Russian Federation has straightaway taken command of the Kurdish pipeline to the Mediterranean together with may cutting off petroleum to Israel, the sources add.

Khazarian slave solid ground Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is straightaway trying desperately to present a moderate human face upwards together with seek investors every bit its oil-money powerfulness continues to wane. But until the Saudis acquire to genuinely operate together with non rely on unusual servants, they are non going to observe much involvement inwards their plans.

In the U.S., too, the purge of Khazarians continues to unfold. This was seen final calendar week every bit Donald Trump together with Steven Bannon tightened their pocket on the Republican Party with the exodus of anti-Trumper senators Bob Corker, Jeff Flake, together with Luther Strange, who were backed past times U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell together with the GOP establishment.

Also, the purge of Khazarian corporate media continued final calendar week with the firing of Mark Halperin from NBC’s Washington Bureau on charges of sexual harassment. There volition live a lot to a greater extent than of that going on every bit Hollywood together with the corporate media conglomerates are taken out of Khazarian control, hope Pentagon together with agency officials.

Pentagon sources also had the next comment to brand on the novel regime inwards China: “[Anti-corruption tsar] Wang Qishan made lots of enemies together with may have got stepped downward from the politburo standing commission so novel guy Zhao Leji tin give notice cleft downward on corruption, but he is soundless Xi’s fiscal guy together with a dorsum channel for Trump because he owns so many USA properties.”

The novel Chinese politburo standing commission has 2 representatives from the Shanghai faction of Jiang Zemin, 2 from the Guangdong faction of Hu Jintao, together with 3 from the Northern faction of Xi Jinping. This agency at to the lowest degree 2 of the original powerfulness centers must sign off on whatever major decisions together with no unmarried faction tin give notice practise dictatorial control.

This Chinese grouping volition live discussing how to improve world governance, with Russian Orthodox Christian powerfulness symbolized past times President Putin, together with the U.S. nationalist stratocracy (military government) symbolized past times Trump. If the world is lucky, many large together with expert decisions volition live made when Trump visits Asia from Nov 3-14, 2017.

SITS General Comment on Fulford Reports

I decided to add together this full general comment to all Fulford reports since I ofttimes have the same questions nigh them. 


In answer to many questions together with comments I have from people wondering why I part these reports, I offering the following. 

Speaking every bit someone who has been next Fulford's reports since 2011, reading them should in all likelihood live done with a large grain of salt. That is to say, he seems to part information straight from alleged sources within the Pentagon, CIA, White Dragon Society, together with so on. Often the information presented is contradictory on the surface. 

The predictions together with statements Fulford makes sometimes are highly accurate, whereas, inwards other instances, they are completely unfounded. Instead of looking to Fulford every bit ane who is "tapped into" some greater truth, it would in all likelihood live to a greater extent than productive to consider his information as one possible perspective on what is happening on basis at this time. 

Discernment is the procedure of understanding what something is, which inwards Fulford's case, agency entertaining his reports without believing them blindly, together with and so doing the follow-up research/fact checking to determine what genuinely happened. In this way, it is a real-time discernment exercise.

The fact that so many people proceed to read his reports despite their sensational together with wildly inaccurate nature at times—while also beingness accurate together with poignant—means the people he receives information from are in all likelihood using him every bit a mouthpiece to speak to you—the reader who is on their awakening path. As such, blind belief or callous rejection are non our allies but critical thinking and open-mindedness are. 

As I have got said before, if he is serving every bit a mouthpiece for diverse groups working to alter the condition quo or agents within the Cabal, nosotros tin give notice decipher the information every bit if it is a shape of awakening propaganda—information that for certain players desire to expose the masses to. What termination this has on your personal procedure is largely upwards to you. But I would propose taking an active role inwards discernment together with not falling into the trap of total credence or rejection. 

[The preceding text was the total update from Benjamin Fulford for this week]

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