5 Ominous Revelations from JFK Files on CIA Mind Control, Assassinations, the Mafia & Terrorism

( Matt AgoristOn Thursday, much to the chagrin of anyone seeking transparency, the US authorities released 2,800 previously classified files relating to the assassination of John F Kennedy spell belongings dorsum several hundred more. President Donald Trump delayed the release of the others, maxim he had “no choice” but to consider “national security, constabulary enforcement, in addition to unusual affairs concerns” raised generally past times the FBI in addition to CIA. As TFTP predicted, the JFK files were no smoking gun. However, many of the documents contained inward them bring out in addition to confirm the absolutely horrifying practices of the world’s most insidious spying agency.

Related: Trump Just Announced US to Release 3,000 Never Before Seen Documents On JFK Assassination 

Source - The Free Thought Project

by Matt Agorist, Oct 27th, 2017

In an amazing human activity of citizen journalism, Th night, the meshing pored over the documents, including all of our staff hither at TFTP. The information gleaned from these previously Top Secret documents reveals the black truth virtually the CIA’s covert, murderous, criminal, in addition to outright terroristic workings.

From hear command to media command to working amongst the mafia in addition to using covert chemic weapons to starve innocent civilians, the CIA has operated inward the shadows breaking international constabulary in addition to laying waste materials to anyone who gets inward their way.

The Free Thought Project has set together a listing of documents retrieved from the JFK files detailing these outright ominous practices past times the CIA.

1. The CIA planned on using covert ‘biological agents’ to stimulate massive crop failures inward Cuba

In the minutes of a coming together for Operation Mongoose, the grouping discussed using ‘agricultural sabotage’ to terrorize the Cuban people in addition to effectively starve an entire country. While the CIA expressed trouble organisation over the operation, the trouble organisation was non virtually innocent human lives, entirely virtually getting caught.

The CIA was intent on “producing crop failures past times the introduction of biological agents which would look to hold out of natural origin.” The newspaper went on to banking concern annotation that they must avoid a massive chemic release “unless they could hold out completely covered up.”

2. The CIA is a terrorist organisation that non entirely encouraged terrorism in addition to murder but openly funded it.

The CIA truly created a hitlist menu of sorts amongst bounties listed for the murder of certainly individuals.

“Leaflets volition hold out designed to cry for phases. For example, the initiative of all leaflets volition comprise entirely names of communist leaders; the side past times side leaflets volition revise the names past times job; i.e. jail cellphone leader, informer, political party members, etc.; whatsoever of the inward a higher house or subsequent leaflets volition denote the amount of the reward, how in addition to where it may hold out collected. One terminal leaflet may hold out deemed advisable in addition to that i announcing a .02c vantage for the delivery of Castro.”

These same tactics were set to usage inward Transitional Islamic State of Afghanistan which led to citizens turning inward other innocent citizens merely to have a reward. Indeed, Gitmo was filled due to a rattling similar approach.

3. The CIA worked amongst the “Mafia” to send out diverse assassinations
On the initiative of all page of the archives were ii glaring documents which were evidently ‘unmarked’ but rapidly deemed Top Secret once the information was noted within them. In the document, the CIA details diverse assassination plots against Fidel Castro initiative of all every bit early on every bit the belatedly 50s.

According to the CIA, the “plans involved a issue of bizarre schemes and, inward at to the lowest degree i instance, involved about contact amongst organized criminal elements.” One of these contacts was the notorious Chicago mob boss, Salvatore “Mooney Sam” Giancana.

4. The CIA planned for in addition to participated inward “influencing human behavior” amongst electronic signals

In i of the to a greater extent than ominous documents, titled Commission on CIA Activities within the U.S.A. the CIA admits to numerous campaigns of propaganda in addition to populace deception.

One bullet, inward particular, deals amongst the CIA’s “involvement inward enquiry on techniques for influencing human demeanor in addition to on methods of protecting Agency personnel against hostile usage of drugs or “brain working” techniques.”

As if attempting to influence private human demeanor wasn’t threatening enough, the same bullet dot mentions the “testing of equipment measurement physiological responses inward human subjects.”
For those familiar amongst the CIA’s MK Ultra program, the above-mentioned techniques are shockingly telling, to say the least.

5. Operation Mockingbird—CIA Control of Media—was thriving

Even when the CIA released its massive archive in conclusion year, the tens of thousands of pages contained almost no information on the CIA’s programme to command the narrative inward the media, otherwise known every bit Operation Mockingbird.

However, inward ii split documents within the JFK files, the CIA admits to the programme in addition to a Congressman confirms that he is worried virtually their influence.

In regard to what Congressman Walter E. Fauntroy was talking virtually at that time, the above-mentioned document, titled Commission on CIA Activities within the United States, may furnish that answer—Operation Mockingbird.

As TFTP predicted, thence far, these documents modify rattling picayune on the ‘official story’ of how JFK was killed. However, they furnish a glimpse into the means who admittedly plant amongst criminal offence lords to kill heads of state. They expose programs of idea manipulation in addition to “brain working.” The documents don’t tell us that it wasn’t Oswald, but they create tell us that the CIA was capable of killing anyone, anywhere, in addition to making it await similar an accident.

If this cloak-and-dagger in addition to unscrupulous organisation was conducting operations 50 years ago, similar the ones listed above, nosotros tin entirely imagine how much worse they take away hold gotten since then.

Perhaps, i of the most of import factors to consider inward this torrent of information is that the rattling release of these documents could hold out business office of this most unscrupulous exercise of propaganda in addition to hear control. Indeed, the ‘mockingbirds’ inward the mainstream media are already using the release of these documents to bash anyone who questions the official story. 

“We’ll know our disinformation programme is consummate when everything the American populace believes is false.” — William Casey (CIA Director)
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