Building A Community

Hey everyone,

I simply wanted to accept a instant together with limited how happy I am at how this weblog has been growing into something to a greater extent than than a stock footage repository/dump.  I desire to give thank y'all all of y'all who receive got commented, asked questions or passed along links or suggestions.  Doing this yesteryear myself has been a groovy challenge together with it is encouraging to know in that place are people out in that place benefiting  together with finding a existent world use for my random clips.  If y'all haven't already, I promise y'all would see joining me on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter (just signed up!), or all 3.  This site has grown thank y'all to your "likes", "subscriptions" together with "re-tweets" together with my wishing is that it keeps evolving yesteryear "just a blog" into to a greater extent than of a "creative community".  I expect forrad to talking together with interacting alongside you.  Please attention yourself to the links below together with discovery us on your preferred social media outlet together with please, allow your friends, students, teachers together with colleagues know!

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