City of London’s Ownership of American Colonies

(SARTREThe misplaced reverence to the sick formulated U.S Constitution in addition to hidden subjugation dorsum to the City of London is ane human face of history that is non taught inwards authorities schools or discussed inwards institutes of higher education. This champaign of report is in all likelihood novel to most observers of the legacy from the Founding Father’s biggest mistake. Regular readers of BREAKING ALL THE RULESare familiar amongst the arguments made inwards the essays, In the beginning: Let at that topographic point hold upwardly the Articles of Confederation and Articles of Confederation was Preferable. Now the representative for the betrayal of the purpose of the American Revolution needs to hold upwardly explored.

Related: The City of London (aka The Crown) is Controlling the World's Money Supply

Source - The Event Chornicle

by SARTRE, Oct 24th, 2017

Cited on the US Constitution Gave Legal Ownership in addition to Control of the USA to London site is an assessment past times Michael Edward.
“Neither the American people nor the Queen of United Kingdom of Great Britain in addition to Northern Ireland ain America. The Crown Temple owns America through the deception of those who receive got worn their allegiance past times oath to the Middle Templar Bar. The Crown Bankers in addition to their Middle Templar Attorneys dominion America through unlawful contracts, unlawful taxes, and, contract documents of faux equity through debt deceit, all strictly enforced past times their completely unlawful, but ‘legal,’ Orders, Rules in addition to Codes of the Crown Temple Courts Our so-called ‘judiciary’ inwards America. This is because the Crown Temple holds the the world titles in addition to estate deeds to all of North America.”

An exam of The Templars of the Crown provides elaboration on this appraisal. For an fifty-fifty to a greater extent than in-depth analysis, review the fabric that probes AMERICAN LAND OWNERSHIP, Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 TRUE OXYMORON, which deals amongst the locomote of James Montgomery.
“Many of yous are aware that the laws of this acre in addition to it’s states, were made to hold upwardly inwards compliance in addition to submission to the laws of England, only modified past times province in addition to federal law. You volition run into inwards this final Chapter province statutes from simply a few of the original colonies, that this is the case. Are these what are called ancient statutes? Yes. However, since the king’s Corporation is hold upwardly in addition to good equally are his heirs, in addition to then is his Trust in addition to the police pull used to do in addition to regulation it. The police pull that governs his Trust tin give the sack only hold upwardly amended, no police pull could hold upwardly enacted opposite to the king’s volition in addition to cestui quetrust, the primary corporate sole where purpose is ever found, the Crown. The king’s exercise of granting lands inwards this province to those loyal to him continues, along amongst their the world grants beingness protected past times province ancient statutes which are notwithstanding on the books. We are governed past times the king’s nobles simply equally inwards times of erstwhile England, self proclaimed nobles, in addition to corporate trusts. They dominion this province in addition to the world. The huge corporations receive got been granted ability in addition to liberty non known past times the mutual man. The nobles, existent in addition to the created, occupy their possessions equally fiduciaries in addition to trustees of the king’s grants; only if they stay loyal to the system, their privilege in addition to life manner are their reward.”
Invest the fourth dimension inwards discovering all the historic accounts, legal rulings in addition to linkages that locomote dorsum to the Crown, AKA, the City of London.

If yous are unfamiliar amongst The (British) Crown Empire in addition to the City of London Corporation convey a quick refresher course of report on the actual nature of the fiscal foundation in addition to codified sanction that purports to hold upwardly lawful. Jurisprudence may hold upwardly legal past times the Definition in addition to formulations of the judicious barrister class, but it sure is non founded on the basic principles of natural law.

Julian Websdale concludes: “The whole world is governed past times The Crown, through Crown Colonies which belong to The City – The Crown Empire. It governs Africa in addition to notwithstanding governs China in addition to India. The colonies of the world are actually simply Crown Colonies – The USA of America are states of The Crown.”

Now this interpretation may appear bizarre to most in addition to the plot thickens inwards the The construe Powers – Behind the Global Empire piecing together a long line concern human relationship of legalized equity mandates.
“The signed treaties in addition to charters betwixt United Kingdom of Great Britain in addition to Northern Ireland in addition to the USA reveals that King James the 1st was non only famous for translating the Bible, but for signing the foremost charter of Virginia inwards 1606. That charter granted America’s British forefathers a license to settle in addition to colonize America in addition to guaranteed hereafter kings in addition to queens of England to receive got sovereign authorisation over citizens in addition to colonized the world inwards America. The treaty of 1783 identifies the virile individual monarch of England equally the prince of the United States. King George the third gave upwardly most of his claims over American colonies, but he kept his right to locomote along receiving payment for his line concern venture of colonizing America.”

The side past times side chemical cistron to consider has The Top of the Pyramid: The Rothschilds, the British Crown in addition to the Vatican Rule the World. Read this line concern human relationship in addition to line dorsum the historic lineage of some of the Englishmen who founded America.
“To receive got the Declaration of Independence recognized internationally, Middle Templar King George III agreed inwards the Treaty of Paris of 1783 to flora the legal Crown entity of the incorporated United States, referred to internally equally the Crown Temple States (Colonies). States spelled amongst a uppercase missive of the alphabet ‘S,’ denotes a legal entity of the Crown.
At to the lowest degree v Templar Bar Attorneys nether solemn oath to the Crown, signed the American Declaration of Independence. This agency that both parties were agents of the Crown.”
As fourth dimension proceeds, the sell out of the “shot heard approximately the world” revolution deepens. Two Constitutions inwards the United States. 1st was illegally suspended inwards favor of a Vatican “Crown” corporation inwards 1871. This approbation assessment of the Federal Constitution views a Shadow Government inwards house since 1871.
“Since 1871 the USA president in addition to the USA Congress has been playing politics nether a dissimilar ready of rules in addition to policies. The American people do non know that at that topographic point are 2 Constitutions inwards the United States. The foremost penned past times the leaders of the newly independent states of the USA inwards 1776. On July 4, 1776, the people claimed their independence from the Crown (temporal authorisation of the Roman Catholic Pope) in addition to Democracy was born. And for 95 years the USA people were gratis in addition to independent. That liberty ended inwards 1871 when the original “Constitution for the USA for America” was changed to the “THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA”.
The Congress realized that the province was inwards dire fiscal straits, in addition to then they made a fiscal bargain amongst the devil – the Crown (a.k.a. City of London Corporation – est. past times the Catholic Church on January 1, 1855 ) thereby incurring a DEBT to the Pope. The conniving Pope in addition to his bankers were non nearly to lend the floundering acre whatsoever coin without some serious stipulations. So, they devised a way of taking dorsum command of the USA in addition to thus, the Act of 1871 was passed. With no constitutional authorisation to do so, Congress created a carve upwardly cast of authorities for the District of Columbia.

With the passage of “the Act of 1871” a metropolis province (a province inside a state) called the District of Columbia located on 10 sq miles of the world inwards the pump of Washington was formed amongst its ain flag in addition to its ain independent constitution – the United States’ undercover minute constitution.”

Lastly, Three Corporations run the world: City of London, Washington DC in addition to Vatican City listing the City of London houses equally including:

Rothschild controlled ‘Bank of England’

Lloyds of London

The London Stock Exchange

All British Banks

The Branch offices of 384 Foreign Banks

seventy USA Banks

Fleet Streets Newspaper in addition to Publishing Monopolies

Headquarters for Worldwide Freemasonry

Headquarters for the worldwide coin cartel known equally ’THE CROWN’

Conclusion: “City of London straight in addition to indirectly controls all mayors, councils, regional councils, multi-national in addition to trans-national banks, corporations, judicial systems (through Old Bailey, Temple Bar in addition to the Royal Courts of Justice inwards London), the IMF, World Bank, Vatican Bank (through N. M. Rothschild & Sons London Italian subsidiary Torlonia), European Central Bank, USA Federal Reserve (which is privately owned in addition to secretly controlled past times viii British-controlled shareholding banks), the Bank for International Settlements inwards Switzerland (which is also British-controlled in addition to oversees all of the Reserve Banks approximately the world including our own) in addition to the EU in addition to the United Nations Organization.”

This introduction to the actual influence in addition to pompous legal authorisation that underpins the fiscal hierarchy is based upon a historic explanation that is unusual to most Americans. The implications are staggering in addition to for this argue alone, most are non willing to do their ain research. Do non acquire caught upwardly inwards the uncanny divergence from the commons rendering of reality. Remember that the City of London’s coat-of-arms reads inwards Latin – Domine Dirige Nos – which translates, Lord, direct us. The truthful question, asks simply which deity do the soldiers of the Crown adore?

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