This is What the Establishment Fears: Watch Black Lives Matter & Trump Supporters Come Together

(Matt AgoristWashington, D.C. — Over the weekend, inwards Washington, hundreds of Trump supporters gathered for the Mother of All Rallies resultant to praise their leader inwards the white house. Naturally, at that topographic point were some folks at that topographic point to counter-protest — ix Black Lives Matter activists to live exact.

Related: All Lives Matter -- Racism, Bigotry, too Prejudice is a Human Issue | Cabal Divide too Conquer: Black Lives Matter: Produced past times George Soros? 

Source - The Free Thought Project

by Matt Agorist, September 21st, 2017

This counter-protest began exactly similar all the counter-protests before, people gathered exactly about too began shouting inwards faces. “You don’t similar this country, yous leave!” shouted 1 man, repeating the ill-thought-out, yet frequently repeated, asinine talking betoken — implying that people who criticize the government, should travel out instead.

The Black Lives Matter members remained militant too did non stand upward downwardly equally they chanted “black lives matter!” over too over, land Trump supporters encircled them.

As the hostile crowd began to surroundings the pocket-size grouping of Black Lives Matter protesters, resultant organizers on stage told them to dorsum off too come upward dorsum to the stage — albeit they did it inwards the most offensive agency — saying, “don’t give them the spotlight. They don’t exist.”


But, similar every other human on this planet, they produce exist. And inwards monastic enjoin for all of us to coexist, nosotros must live at peace. We don’t receive got to similar each other, nosotros exactly receive got to non live fierce toward 1 another.

Shortly afterwards reigning inwards the Trump supporters dorsum to the stage, instead of simply insulting the Black Lives Matter activists further, the organizers did something only unexpected — they invited them to speak.

Rally Pb organizer Tommy Gunn told the Trump fans that the BLMers would receive got 2 minutes to speak.

“What nosotros are going to produce is something you’re non used to,” Gunn told the BLM activists. “We’re going to give yous 2 minutes of our platform to position your message out. Whether [people inwards the crowd] disagree or concord amongst your message is irrelevant. It’s the fact that yous receive got the right to receive got the message,”he said equally the crowd cheered.

Hawk Newsome, the human at the forefront of the pocket-size BLM outfit acknowledged this honour too therefore took the mic too proceeded to mend a growing fierce rift that has been forming inwards this province far earlier the divisive Trump came into office. Despite the occasional burst from the obstinate peanut gallery, Newsome was allowed to explicate the Black Lives Matter betoken of see to the Trump supporters.

“I am an American!” Newsome said afterwards introducing himself. “And the beauty of America is that when yous encounter something broke inwards your country, yous tin bathroom mobilize to cook it!”

The crowd cheered.

“So yous ask, why there’s a Black Lives Matter?” he said. “Because yous tin bathroom spotter a dark human perish too live choked to decease on television, too aught happens! We demand to address that!”

Some folks inwards the crowd didn’t convey to kindly to that statement. Referring to the murder of Eric Garner past times the NYPD, some of the pro-Trump crowd began calling him a “criminal,” equally they essay to justify a father’s killing. However, Garner was exactly defendant of selling loose cigarettes. Those who would justify a man’s execution over untaxed cigarettes are no friend of a costless guild — luckily at that topographic point were only a few of them.

“I am a Christian!” Newsome said, earlier destroying the hypocrisy of hatred toward people from other countries. “I don’t mean value my Bible is whatever unlike from yours when it says, ‘Love thy neighbor!’ It didn’t say that vecino had to live from the continental United States!”

Despite making some of their heads explode amongst his stand upward based on logic, Newsome continued too the crowd became fifty-fifty to a greater extent than supportive.

“The argue why nosotros create out is to depict attending to issues too to cook it!” he yelled. “We are non anti-cop! We are anti-bad-cop! We say, if a cop is bad, he needs to acquire fired! Like a bad plumber! Like a bad lawyer! Like a bad fuckin’ politician!”

The crowd cheered again.

Newsome therefore caused to a greater extent than heads to explode past times shattering some other stereotype that surrounds Black Live Matter supporters.
We don’t desire handouts!” he said. “We don’t desire anything that’s yours! We desire our God-given right to freedom, liberty, too the pursuit of happiness!”

All of the abrupt a heckler inwards the crowd therefore began to chant “All Lives Matter!” But Newsome remained unphased answering back. “I’m going to travel out yous amongst this too I’m gone,” he said. “All lives matter, right? But when a dark life is lost, nosotros acquire no justice. That’s why nosotros say, ‘Black Lives Matter.’”

At the terminate of the speech, Newsome was approached past times many open-minded Trump supporters who offered their praise. Some of them fifty-fifty wanted their kids to convey pictures amongst Newsome. As of this morning, the video below had over xxx 1 1000 one thousand views, proving that this is what people desire — peace.

And that, ladies too gentlemen, is how progress is made when people are non assholes to each other.

Once the Trump supporter saw that Newsome too his crew wanted the same things equally them, “freedom, liberty, too the pursuit of happiness,” they had no argue to yell inwards each other’s faces. Peace was achieved.

Sadly, however, at that topographic point are silent folks out at that topographic point who purchase into the establishment’s separate too conquer propaganda too soon afterwards this video of Newsome went viral, some people felt the demand to decry his peaceful actions.

Fortunately, however, judging from the consummate lack of engagement inwards their tweets, non really many people part their sentiment.

The establishment’s computer program of separate too conquer is powerful, but peace too honey are fifty-fifty stronger. So, equally corporate media blasts photos too videos of Antifa battling white supremacists too Trump supporters, telling yous that at that topographic point is a race state of war brewing — recollect that they are the ones brewing it — all to maintain yous from looking upward at the existent state of war taking house on humanity, 24 hours a day, across the globe, carried out past times sick people who abhor the fact citizens are refusing to detest each other.
About the Author

Matt Agorist is an honorably discharged veteran of the USMC too onetime tidings operator direct tasked past times the NSA. This prior sense gives him unique insight into the earth of regime corruption too the American law state. Agorist has been an independent journalist for over a decade too has been featured on mainstream networks exactly about the world. Agorist is also the Editor at Large at the Free Thought Project. Follow @MattAgorist on Twitter, Steemit, too directly on Facebook.

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