The Morgan Freeman Psy-Op Proves How Desperate The 'Deep State' Has Become

(Andrew KorybkoMorgan Freeman's latest publicly stunt permanently stained his legacy after the famous thespian decided to bring together the mistaken word manufacture past times passing off a blockbuster script every bit a truthful story.

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Source - Sputnik News

by Andrew Korybko, September 20th, 2017

Morgan Freeman declared inward his latest two-minute video that "We withdraw hold been attacked. We are at war", but he's incorrect inward proverb that Americans withdraw hold been victimized past times Russia, but should withdraw hold rather told the truth that they're nether assault past times their ain government. To channel Freeman, "Imagine this painting exhibit script", albeit modified to reverberate real-life events instead of conspiratorial ones:

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 globalist powerfulness cabal made upwards of the permanent military, intelligence, in addition to diplomatic bureaucracies (the "deep state"), inward conjunction amongst the Democratic Party, "Cultural Marxist" professors, the Mainstream Media, in addition to Hollywood withdraw hold attacked American commonwealth using non-stop infowar operations against their ain swain citizens to spread propaganda in addition to mistaken information aimed at convincing people that the Republican candidate in addition to hereafter President of the U.S.A. is really a Russian puppet.

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 few years agone this mightiness withdraw hold sounded only every bit ridiculous every bit the narrative that Freeman read off inward front end of the cameras, but the departure is that this really happened whereas his story silent remains the realm of fiction. The conspiracy theory that Russian Federation somehow swayed the 2016 election has no terra firma inward reality, in addition to it's real condescending to the millions of average Americans inward the Midwest who swayed the election for Trump to fifty-fifty infer that these patriotic citizens were nether the influence of a unusual intelligence functioning at the time.

Midwesterners didn't tip the election for Trump because President Putin, the FSB, RT, or Sputnik told them to — which they didn't — but because they had plenty of the old social club of trouble organisation inward the States in addition to were desperately craving a change, whatsoever change, to improve the all-around deteriorating atmospheric condition that withdraw hold come upwards to define their lives. Trump promised constabulary in addition to order, jobs in addition to potent borders, in addition to a no-nonsense approach to American domestic politics, the consummate contrary of Hillary's platform in addition to precisely what Midwesterners wanted to hear.

Even without the DNC leaks, many of those folks would never withdraw hold countenanced voting for Hillary due to her husband's toxic legacy in addition to that of his party. Moreover, these voters didn't demand proof of Hillary in addition to the Democrats' corruption because they had suspected it all along, though the amplification of their crimes past times the global media vindicated them for what The Establishment had falsely claimed for years was only to a greater extent than or less other tinfoil chapeau "conspiracy theory".

Now nearly actual conspiracy facts, many people could never withdraw hold idea that their ain authorities would plow against them in addition to assault America's sacred political system, its electoral democracy, through the incessant demonization of Donald Trump in addition to the plethora of mistaken word that they disseminated nearly him. When Trump claimed that his motion was nether surveillance past times the Obama Administration, he was dismissed every bit a crackpot, but it's since emerged only the other hateful solar daytime that old National Security Advisor Susan Rice did inward fact authorize the spying of Trump's old motion director Paul Manafort.

On top of that, the never-ending assertions that Trump is inward cahoots amongst the Russian authorities or somehow nether the nefarious influence of shadowy Kremlin agents are regularly debunked past times listening to the President in addition to his Administration constantly verbalise nearly "Russian aggression" in addition to watching them work this pretext to brand hostile moves against Moscow. These actions strongly refute the claims of a hugger-mugger Trump-Russian connecter in addition to most Americans sympathize that, but the "deep state" in addition to their cohorts inward the "Cultural Marxist" corners of academia, the Mainstream Media, Hollywood, in addition to the masked mob of "Antifa" rioters believe that the population is only besides stupid to come across this in addition to could thus live easily misled into believing their mistaken word narrative that Putin's proxy is inward command of the White House.

The whole dot behind this massive infowar functioning against the minds of the American world is to delegitimize Trump's election inward a last-ditch bid to give the Democrats a jeopardy to win dorsum Congress during side past times side year's midterm elections. It's also designed to influence the President's domestic in addition to unusual policy determination making, in addition to it really has succeeded to a grade inward that observe if i holds the view that Trump genuinely believed what he said on the motion trail but was afterward pressured past times the "deep state" to convey a decidedly neo-conservative stance towards International Affairs after he entered into office. Regardless, what's of import to focus on inward this context are the American people themselves, who largely dismiss the conspiratorial, never-proven, in addition to constantly debunked accusations that Morgan Freeman shamelessly told the American world amongst a forthwith face.

There's a pop proverb that i shouldn't "shoot the messenger", but that doesn't hateful that the said messenger is inward a higher house criticism. Morgan Freeman is a dearest household mention who's universally praised for his splendid acting skills in addition to the unforgettable memories that he's imbued his audiences with, but politics isn't his element, in addition to no affair how much the "Committee to Investigate Russia' pleads that it's "non-partisan", old National Intelligence Director James Clapper's opened upwards interest inward the projection proves that it's linked to the same anti-Trump "deep state" that's been undermining American commonwealth for over the past times 2 years. Morgan Freeman should withdraw hold known ameliorate than to lend his acting talent to pretending that a painting exhibit script is a real-life story, in addition to that's why so many people are disappointed inward him on a deep, personal level.

The irony of it all is that Morgan Freeman could withdraw hold really done a lot of goodness if he had the courage to say the truth. Instead of imploring Trump to sit down downward inward front end of the American people, elaborate on Hillary's "Russia Did It!" conspiracy theory, in addition to and so "legitimize" it through a full-blown nationwide anti-Russian witch hunt stretching from the Office of the Presidency all the agency downward to the paupers inward the inner city, he himself could withdraw hold sat downward inward front end of the American people only every bit he did inward his two-minute psy-op video in addition to calmly explicate the actual real-life "deep state" conspiracy against Trump in addition to the American people. He didn't create that, so there's no work inward speculating nearly "coulda, shoulda, woulda", but for the sake of dandy a grinning in addition to thinking nearly what mightiness withdraw hold been, it certain would withdraw hold been powerful if he channeled his blockbuster script but adapted it to actual events past times saying:
"My swain Americans, during this past times election, nosotros came nether assault past times our ain government. I've called on the patriotic members of Congress in addition to our intelligence community to work every resources available to comport a thorough investigation to determine precisely how this happened. Our citizens are demanding accountability. For 241 years our commonwealth has been imperfect but yet something to aspire to, in addition to nosotros owe it to the brave people who withdraw hold fought in addition to died to protect this great nation in addition to relieve democracy. And nosotros owe it to our hereafter generations to travel along the fight."
But in addition to so again, Hollywood past times its real nature is mistaken in addition to deceptive, so it mightiness live besides much to always hope for an American painting exhibit icon to stand upwards up in addition to say those brave words that were imagined above, though that doesn't hateful that they wouldn't withdraw hold resonated amongst tens of millions of dyed-in-the-wool patriotic Americans who are sick in addition to tired of the "deep state's" manipulative heed games.

About the Author

Andrew Korybko is a political analyst, journalist in addition to a regular contributor to several online journals, every bit good every bit a fellow member of the practiced council for the Institute of Strategic Studies in addition to Predictions at the People’s Friendship University of Russia. He specializes inward Russian affairs in addition to geopolitics, specifically the States strategy inward Eurasia. His other areas of focus include tactics of regime change, color revolutions in addition to unconventional warfare used across the world. His book, “Hybrid Wars: The Indirect Adaptive Approach To Regime Change”, extensively analyzes the situations inward Syrian Arab Republic in addition to Ukraine in addition to claims to testify that they stand upwards for a novel model of strategic warfare beingness waged past times the US.

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