11 Real Deal Whistleblowers That Threaten The Global Elite’s Desire For H5N1 New World Order

(Arjun Walia“What is at stake is to a greater extent than than i modest country; it is a big idea: a novel footing order, where various nations are drawn together inward mutual exertion to arrive at the universal aspirations of mankind — peace too security, freedom, too the dominion of law. Such is a footing worthy of our cope too worthy of our children’s future. – George Bush Sr.

Related: Secret Space Program Whistleblowers nether Scrutiny – Response to Richard Dolan 

According to Snowden:
The Five Eyes alliance is sort of an artifact of the postal service World War II era where the Anglophone countries are the major powers banded together to sort of co-operate too part the costs of word gathering infrastructure. . . .
 What the trial of this was over decades too decades what sort of a supra-national word scheme that doesn’t respond to the laws of its ain countries. . . .
 They non solely part information, the reporting of results from intelligence, precisely they genuinely part the tools too the infrastructure they live on together against articulation targets inward services too there’s a lot of danger inward this.
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