Positive Tuesday Y'all!

Come hang out alongside Teresa equally she gets eaten yesteryear ship away ants together with pulls a confusing angel menu because it's POSITIVE TOOOOZDAYYYY... Be well, my friends. -Teresa

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Question -- What is the destination of this website? Why produce nosotros part dissimilar sources of information that sometimes conflicts or mightiness fifty-fifty travel considered disinformation? 
Answer -- The primary destination of Stillness inwards the Storm is to assist all people travel yesteryear improve truth-seekers inwards a real-time boots-on-the-ground fashion. This is for the role of learning to intend critically, discovering the truth from within—not simply believing things blindly because it came from an "authority" or credible source. Instead of telling you lot what the truth is, nosotros part information from many sources together with hence that you lot tin lav discern it for yourself. We focus on didactics you lot the tools to become your ain authorisation on the truth, gaining self-mastery, sovereignty, together with liberty inwards the process. We desire each of you lot to travel yesteryear your ain leaders together with masters of personal discernment, together with equally such, all information should travel vetted, analyzed together with discerned at a personal level. We also encourage you to speak over your thoughts inwards the comments department of this site to engage inwards a grouping discernment process. 

"It is the grade of an educated heed to travel able to entertain a idea without accepting it." – Aristotle

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"There are entirely 2 mistakes i tin lav brand along the route to truth; 
not going all the way, together with non starting." — Buddha

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