Dealing Alongside The Lite Flicker Piece Shooting High Speed Alongside The Sony Nex-Fs700 - My Personal Sense In Addition To Elementary Fix.

In my brusk fourth dimension hence far amongst the Sony NEX-FS700, I convey been trying to pose it through it's technological paces.  A big piece of work of this testing, together with a large describe for most people, is the tedious displace capabilities. (Full 1080 HD, 240 frames per second in 8'ish minute bursts). 

I desire to preface this whole article past times stating that the "light flicker" is non something that is incorrect amongst the camera.  It is something that naturally occurs amongst the usage of artificial/studio lighting powered past times air-conditioning current.  There is a non bad in-depth explanation almost lighting flicker at high speeds at the Abel Cine website inwards a FAQ almost the Phantom High Speed Camera.

I fix out to examine the flicker using some indoor tungsten studio lights.  I shot the footage at 240p amongst a 1/500 shutter (In an attempt to comply amongst the 180 marker shutter rule).

Viewing the footage shot, the flicker was non completely evident until it played dorsum inwards tedious motion on my computer.  It was indeed there.  The query straightaway is ... tin I produce it?

I convey dealt amongst flicker inwards the past times when doing outdoor fourth dimension lapses.  The flicker at that spot was a result of my iris non beingness fully open, together with the icon was non consistently exposed with the same exact duration.  This created a broad multifariousness of uncontrolled variable lite changes.  The flicker inwards studio is a trivial dissimilar because it is caused past times a controlled source.  For these situations, I was able to minimize the flicker inwards postal service past times using Adobe After Effects "Auto Levels" final result amongst somewhat large temporal spacing.  Obviously the to a greater extent than permanent solution to my fourth dimension lapse flicker employment was to operate amongst the iris fully opened upwards every time.  I invested inwards ND filters that allow me proceed my photographic tv camera broad opened upwards land all the same dragging the shutter.  Now I don't involve to worry almost postal service processing the footage. 

The flicker acquaint for high speed video inwards artificial/AC lighting situations is quite different.  I tried my "Auto Levels" technique amongst out much effectiveness.  It minimized the presence of it simply slightly but I was non satisfied amongst the results.  My side past times side measurement afterward researching the ways inwards which other users convey tried to fight high speed flicker, was to essay the "color stabilizer" effect available inwards After Effects.  The final result has three options "brightness", "levels", together with "curves".    After fooling roughly amongst each of the options together with combinations of the three options through layering, I all the same was non satisfied amongst the results.  The side past times side selection for me was to utilize the plug-in GBDeflicker past times Granite Bay Software Inc.  The plug-in is quite pop inwards the fourth dimension lapse community, hence I idea I would essay it out for my situation.  I was in 1 lawsuit to a greater extent than able to minimize the flicker, but in 1 lawsuit to a greater extent than it was non to my liking.  I was starting to mean value that I would alone hold upwards successful inwards a completely controlled lighting surround (which, from my research, would hateful LED lights) which at this fourth dimension mightiness hold upwards out of my league every bit far is investments inwards equipment goes.

My Solution

My solution came to me when I started to mean value almost my piece of work normalizing together with leveling photographs inwards Photoshop.  I would sometimes layer the same icon together with command levels inside using some of the blending modes.  Knowing that both Premiere together with After Effects offering the same blending options, I fix out to encounter if I could brand something work. From hither on out, I volition especial what I did in Premeire (The same principles apply for After Effects).

1. I took a sequence amongst my video file on it together with layered the same file on a carve upwards track. 

2. I together with then offset the transcend video file past times 1 frame. 

3. I changed the blending manner of the transcend video rail to "darken". 

Lo together with behold to my astonishment, the flicker was gone!  After all of these trials, a uncomplicated blending method was what had cured my high speed flicker. 

Disclaimer: Now I convey non yet tried this line a fast 1 on inwards dissimilar lighting situations (florescents, HMI etc.) together with at dissimilar shutter speeds (360 shutter for example).  But for a tungsten studio setup using the FS700 at 240p, I was able to almost completely (at to the lowest degree to my eye) remove the flicker. 

I am interested inwards other people's sense together with if this technique works for them every bit well.  Let me know inwards the comments below.
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