She dearest Myanmar long time...
Since she rose upwards from existence a “bleeding heart” cause célèbre of Western shitlibs to existence the actual leader of Myanmar, Aung San Suu Kyi has made rapid progress every bit a stateswoman in addition to protector of her native land. In recent weeks she has been supporting her nation’s safety forces every bit they bargain alongside the occupation of the Rohingya, a largely alien Muslim population inwards the country’s North West that has been involved inwards violence against the native population.

Accordingly, she has forthwith received the ultimate respect for a sometime shitlib heroine who has done the right affair past times defending her nation, namely having her call ceremoniously removed from the junior mutual room of a shitty, pozzed Oxford college.

A few years ago, Western liberals in addition to leftists automatically assumed that Suu Kyi was “one of them” because she was (a) a woman, (b) non-White, (c) had married individual of a unlike race — an Englishman — in addition to (d) was kept nether solid arrest inwards Rangoon past times some tough guys inwards uniforms.

In fact, they were in addition to hence certain that she was a beau shitlib that a lot of Leftist universities went to the problem of naming rooms later her, including the college of St Hugh’s, Oxford, where she had really studied politics, philosophy, in addition to economic science earlier it was pozzed inwards the 1960s.

Shitlibs too campaigned for her to survive given the 1991 Nobel Peace Prize, in addition to that doofus Bono fifty-fifty wrote a vocal celebrating her…um…heroism. Even funnier, it’s called “Walk On,” every bit inwards the Rohingya should “walk on” out the fuck of Myanmar, LOL. Even funnier, it has a occupation near packing a suitcase, ROFL.

Back when shitlibs were blowing smoke upwards her donkey similar this, she was oftentimes mentioned inwards Oscar winning speeches past times cringy left-wing actors, gushing near what an “inspiration” she was, although, upwards to that time, she had done piddling except survive the miss of a famous dead political leader in addition to existence placed nether solid arrest.

Anyway, since she became “1st State Counsellor of Myanmar,” which is basically similar Prime Minister but alongside some “supervision” from the army, Suu Kyi has been showing what a swell leader she really is past times using her international moral upper-case missive of the alphabet to dorsum upwards her province safety forces inwards dealing alongside the Islamic threat posed past times the Rohingya people.

This switch from imagined shitlib to actual ethnonationalist leader was alone predictable, every bit all non-White people have got rigid tribal in addition to identitarian instincts, in addition to are truly baffled past times the globalist, one-world bullshit that White liberal twats inwards the West handle to brainwash themselves into believing.

The Rohingya occupation is routinely described inwards the Leftist media every bit a “humanitarian crisis” — cue furrowed brows in addition to shots of crying children. But inwards a feel they are right, because whatever fourth dimension you lot larn millions of non-native Muslims brought into your province past times alien elites you lot tin give the axe survive pretty sure that a lot of innocent people are going to endure in addition to die.
Oh, only some other Buddhist monk butchered past times your friendly neighbourhood Jihadis.
You too know that, if you lot create cypher near it in addition to only allow the Muslim population to function along growing in addition to radicalising, it is probable to generate some horrific genocidal conflict at some indicate inwards the future.

The bulk of the Rohingya were originally brought into Myanmar past times the British from neighbouring Bengal to serve every bit inexpensive labour in addition to force downwardly the payoff of native Burmese. So it is high fourth dimension that they returned to their natural ethnostate of Bangladesh.

Of course, existence a swell leader for your people in addition to preventing time to come genocidal wars is something that pro-globalist White Leftist students can’t countenance. Hence the vote past times the students of St Hugh’s College Oxford to effectively respect Suu Kyi past times removing her call from their crappy junior mutual room, which volition forthwith likely survive suitably renamed later some Muslim terrorist, anti-White racist, commie bulk murderer, or sexual deviant.

The motility passed past times the students unwittingly praised Suu Kyi for her practiced “silence in addition to complicity” inwards her country’s defence forcefulness of its national integrity past times encouraging the Rohingya Muslims to supply to their natural ethnostate. The motility incorrectly described this procedure every bit “ethnic cleansing,” completely forgetting near the existent ethnic cleansing that was carried out when the Rohingya Bengalis moved inwards nether the guns of the British, in addition to pushed out the master copy Burmese inhabitants.

The colourfully worded St Hugh’s resolution read:
“Aung San Suu Kyi’s inability to condemn the bulk murder, gang rape in addition to severe human rights abuses inwards Rakhine is inexcusable in addition to unacceptable. She has gone against the rattling principles in addition to ideals she had ane time righteously promoted.”
This human activeness of statesmanship past times Suu Kyi was prompted past times growing bear witness that jihadi militants loyal to ISIS were active inwards the Rohingya community. Recently, ISIS militants too seized command of a city inwards some other South East Asian country, the Philippines, where non-Muslims were butchered similar sheep earlier the safety services reestablished control.

So far to a greater extent than or less one-half a meg Rohingya have got successfully returned to their right ethnostate, greatly enhancing the peace of the region.

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