Global Mind Energy Report: Impact of Mass Meditations MODERATE amongst a Chance of LOW Tonight | Oct 24th, 2017

by Justin Deschamps

The next study details the electrical current solid pose down of geomagnetic activity in addition to resulting effects on human consciousness, which tin live on used to guide one's activities inward meditation, mass meditation, personal unloosen energy work, in addition to self-mastery practices.

Report: The impact of private in addition to coordinated majority meditations volition live on MODERATE today. Geomagnetic conditions at acquaint gain from three to iv of the KP Index in addition to are expected to intensify over the side past times side 12 hours equally the coronal hole current impact hits the earth. Conditions volition tendency toward LOW equally geomagnetic activity intensifies. 

Personal Effects: Moderate synchronicities, precognition, deja vu, energetic downloads, in addition to connectivity to cosmic unloosen energy systems.

Social Effects: Moderate capacity for telepathic exchanges inward pocket-sized or large groups.

Universal Effects: Moderate unloosen energy in addition to information streaming inward from the celestial bodies, similar surrounding planets, equally good equally stars, the galactic sun, in addition to other galaxies.

Recommendations: Meditations for the collective volition have got reduced impact equally fourth dimension goes on today. During the placidity periods, visualizations focusing on public healing, reduction of crime, in addition to calming of weather condition in addition to seismology volition live on helpful. As conditions travel to a greater extent than chaotic, focus on personal growth in addition to reflection opportunities of one's sense volition increase. Love, forgiveness, in addition to credence of circumstances volition live on helpful states of consciousness to invoke.

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Note: The recommendation in addition to impact of meditations study solely analyze the electromagnetic (material) aspect of consciousness, operating inside the electromagnetic spectrum. Other, super-material, energetic, or spiritual mediums of informational transference (telepathic in addition to energetic effects of meditation) volition probable all the same have got a profound affect, fifty-fifty if the geomagnetic conditions are chaotic that day. Please do non assume this study is suggesting you lot avoid meditating on days when the impact is low. 

Scientific Basis of Telepathy, Mass Meditation, in addition to Global Field Effects:

The human organism is energetically linked to the pose down via electromagnetic interactions inward the extremely low-frequency gain (ELF). These frequencies interact amongst the global arrangement via the Schumann Resonances, ranging from 7.83hz upward to 39hz. The human body, peculiarly the ticker in addition to brain, resonate at the same frequency range, measured past times an EKG in addition to EEG.

The ticker is a piezoelectric liquid crystal oscillator that produces strong electromagnetic pulses, which are governed or attenuated past times the brain, radiating outwardly upward to xxx feet from the body. By agency of inducing coherent states of heed (usually through meditation and/or chanting, sounding, yoga, or qi gong), the heed tin focus the energies of the ticker into a coherent land that is able to interact or "link up" amongst the global field.

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MD Michael Persinger conducted query on the global mind, postulating that the geomagnetic field, due to the Schumann frequency ranges, has the potential to link upward amongst the human mind, allowing information to live on "stored" inward the earth's field. He was able to historically demonstrate that during times of depression geomagnetic activity, individuals experienced greater spontaneous knowledge or received telepathic downloads. Conversely, during times of high geomagnetic activity, telepathic downloads decreased.

MD Persinger also worked amongst Igno Swann, an exemplary remote viewer who was involved inward the DIA's Star Gate Program. Experiments were conducted that involved placing Swann inward a coherent magnetic land amongst a minute player who was asked to expression at a photograph. Swann in addition to then entered a meditative solid pose down in addition to "viewed" the drawing via the coherent land in addition to the other person's mind, enabling him to push clit statistically important depictions of what the minute player was looking at. MD Persinger was able to test that a coherent magnetic land provides an energetic medium for the central of information betwixt minds.

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The geomagnetic land is the largest land on earth, immersing all living things in addition to human beings inside a coherent magnetic field. Via the principal of entrainment or synchronization, governed past times electromagnetic sympathetic resonance, information inside a human beingness tin "upload" to the geomagnetic field, which tin in addition to then live on "downloaded" to other people in addition to have got stabilizing effects on whatsoever electrical body. The greater the coherence of the individual, the to a greater extent than probable they are to inform the geomagnetic field. The greater the coherence of the geomagnetic field, the to a greater extent than probable the information tin live on shared betwixt individuals.

During times of depression geomagnetic activity, the human organism's electromagnetic land embeds inside the geomagnetic land (phase conjugation), allowing information to live on exchanged betwixt each arrangement coherently (without degradation).

During times of high geomagnetic activity, the human organism's electromagnetic land disconnects from the geomagnetic field, which has the outcome of isolating each arrangement from other systems.


When people convey the fourth dimension to brand themselves mentally in addition to energetically coherent, past times agency of meditation techniques, patch also visualizing or praying for peace, diverse types of stabilization effects tin occur. The Maharishi outcome stabilized social systems, reducing criminal offence in addition to overall suffering of people on earth.
In 1960, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi predicted that 1 per centum of a population practicing the Transcendental Meditation technique would create measurable improvements inward the character of life for the whole population. This phenomenon was get-go noticed inward 1974 in addition to reported inward a newspaper published inward 1976. Here, the finding was that when 1% of a community expert the Transcendental Meditation® program, in addition to then the criminal offence charge per unit of measurement was reduced past times 16% on average. At this time, the phenomenon was named Maharishi Effect. The pregnant of this term was afterward extended to comprehend the influence generated past times the grouping practise of the TM-Sidhi® program. Generally, the Maharishi Effect may live on defined equally the influence of coherence in addition to positivity inward the social in addition to natural surroundings generated past times the practise of the TM in addition to TM-Sidhi programs. (source)
Dan Winter postulates that the effects of a coherent heed tin live on used to "steer a tornado" via a stage conjugate dielectric bioplasma produced past times a shaman or somebody who has developed abilities inward meditation in addition to unloosen energy practices. In other words, an private tin create a bioelectric field that allows them to merge amongst exactly about other field, influencing the minute to exactly about degree.

This tin live on only described past times having genuine empathy in addition to pity for living unloosen energy systems, which could live on people, places, weather condition systems, countries, in addition to fifty-fifty the entire planet. Non-living empathy, amongst dead buildings made out of steel in addition to aluminum, volition cut the coherence of the person, in addition to are to live on avoided.

Meditating inward nature or beingness surrounded past times natural materials, similar a wooden line solid or a cave, increases bioelectric coherence, strengthening an individuals powerfulness to touching on other systems. Conversely, attempting to link upward amongst the earth's land from inside an artificial "dead" structure, volition cut energetic embedding effects.

Meditating inward closed proximity amongst other people, peculiarly after hugging each somebody for a to the lowest degree twenty seconds, volition increment the individuals brain-heart coherence equally good equally increment the coherence inside the group, a form of energetic tuning that increases the unloosen energy embedding effects mentioned above. Group meditation, after tuning, have got a greater impact than private meditations.

These effects propose that depending on an individual's powerfulness to develop coherence equally good equally what they visualize, they tin have got a profound impact of stabilizing weather condition in addition to seismology.

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Global Mind Energy Reports is a novel projection developed past times Stillness inward the Storm. Depending on the answer from the audience, these could travel along in addition to have got additional information added. Please post your comments in addition to allow us know what you lot think.

Additional Resources: 

Effects of Geomagnetic, Solar in addition to Other Factors on Humans

The preceding is a original creation. Please part freely.

About The Author

Justin Deschamps is a truth seeker inspired past times philosophy in addition to the beloved of wisdom inward all its forms. He was formally trained inward physics in addition to psychology, afterward discovering the spiritual pose down of reality in addition to the interconnected nature of all things. He strives to abide by the path of truth patch also walking it himself, sharing what he knows amongst others thence equally to facilitate cooperative alter for a ameliorate future. He is a pupil of all in addition to a instructor to some. Follow on Twitter @sitsshow, Facebook Stillness inward the Storm, in addition to

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