Gateway Choice Point: Assisting the Collective Timelines

(Sandra WalterBlessings Beloved Light Tribe Our adjacent acceleration as well as collective timeline choice-point arrives Oct 21-25. Gatekeepers opened yesterday for the influx (very rigid on Mount Shasta final evening), as well as this morning time the SUN began to acquire active, right on schedule.

Related: The Five Stages of Awakening, as well as More on the Final Stage of the Spiritual Warrior past times Justin 

Source - Creative Evolution

by Sandra Walter, Oct 18th, 2017

As mentioned inwards final week’s article, these incoming amplifications hitting much higher levels during the 21-25 inwards both Oct as well as November. Last week’s Divine Feminine influx provided a rigid geomagnetic storms, prompting a rigid release of Divine Feminine seem inwards the external (the Me likewise revelations as well as disclosure dynamics increased). Notice how apace magnetic plain stimulation causes polarity releases inwards the collective. This sets us upwards for the 2nd one-half of October’s shifts; allow us actively participate inwards this unfoldment.

We, equally the High-Vibe Tribe, agree tremendous vibrational influence inwards the collective choice because of our activated Hearts as well as highest intent. Remember the quantum number of raising our vibration; it pulls many others up. Highest trajectories are beingness attained past times many; the Primary Christed Timeline has us locked into the sense of pure Presence. Our intent to elevator equally many amongst us into this novel sense – right similar a shot – tin assist the Secondary timeline tipping points. In brief, nosotros tin destination the delay tactics past times utilizing our pure intent through grounded activity.

Assisting the Collective Timelines

Let us usage this New Luna (Thursday, 12:11pmPT) as well as the Gateway (October 21-25) to assist inwards OVERIDING as well as OVERWRITING the programs used to stretch fourth dimension dynamics to delay the inevitable autumn of onetime systems as well as the amount sense of Ascension for all concerned. This is role of completing our Ascension; learning to usage our collective consciousness to exercise what nosotros wishing inwards the Now.

Right now, this week, this Gateway, convey equally many steps equally possible (please, simply i volition assist) inwards moving frontwards amongst your creative expression, novel service work, anything that you lot own got been procrastinating. One minor energetic shift from each of us pushes the envelope to interruption through whatsoever remaining blockages to the highest timelines as well as outcomes – inwards the NOW.

Let us destination the onetime waiting game through our collective action. Just i grounded, physical activity inwards this reality to override the procrastination programming volition help. Whatever it is for you: a conversation you lot set off, a novel creation you’ve been desiring, an activity to motion forward, a Unity Meditation you’ve intended to participate in, a alter you lot own got delayed, something you lot e'er wanted to exercise … anything shifting the personal reality assists the global shift-point. It doesn’t own got to live on huge (although that is appreciated), simply frontwards momentum inwards the Now.

Changes inwards the SUN

We decease along to decease deeper into this highly-charged area. I AM certain you lot own got noticed the dissimilar character of SUNlight equally Solaris receives this consciousness-shifting energy. Gatekeepers inquire if nosotros tin collectively telephone retrieve forth the flashing activity nosotros own got seen inwards our visions into the Now. Events are quickening – fifty-fifty amongst the manipulation – for the Secondary timelines. Our collective nudge volition greatly assist this unfoldment of needed events. Certain things must happen to tidy upwards the lower experiences, as well as it tin live on quickened past times benevolent action.

With the bifurcation inwards progress, many of us are kickoff to sense the intended consciousness shifts which the Solar flashing activity volition exercise on a global level. Many own got seen the SUN flashing this year, both inwards vision as well as external reality, as well as this activity is opening our Hearts to the to a greater extent than palpable, consistent Now Presence. We are receiving the encodements as well as reality-shifting frequencies already. We are anchoring this, through embodiment, into the HUman take in collective to brand it easier for all when the bright 2nd arrives. In this Now, that serial of flashes already exists.

Global Unity Meditations on SUNday

It is our eighteen calendar month anniversary of this weekly activity! Let us utilize our collective empowered BEingness to co-create the render of peace as well as the Christ consciousness, shift the timelines into high gear, as well as assist this influx of Divine Light. The unloose energy plain during these meditations is palpable, healing, as well as activating. Add your light, every Heart is witnessed. Join us on SUNday at 8:11am, 11:11am as well as 5:11pmPT. Details tin live on found HERE.

We Love You, We Bless You, We Thank You for your service as well as dedication to HUmanity, Gaia as well as Source.

In Love, Light as well as Service,

About the Author

Sandra Walter is a Wayshower, Ascension Guide as well as Gatekeeper who serves the Light Intelligence of Source as well as the Shift inwards Consciousness on Gaia.

As an Interdimensional Liaison since 1999, Sandra assists awakened HUmans through writings, videos as well as creations focused on the Shift, as well as the comprehensive Ascension Path online preparation class. As a Master Gatekeeper, Sandra receives regular Ascension updates from a diverse, benevolent collective of Higher Dimensional Beings inwards Service to the Ascension. This includes the Gateway passages for energetic shifts, rigid influxes of Light, Solar activity, timeline divisions as well as related cosmic events, which are received earlier the linear twelvemonth begins.

Sandra shares information equally a contactee as well as pure conduit to empower, inspire as well as accelerate the Ascension of HUmanity. She is a published author, certified Life Coach, creative someone as well as Energy Healer. Sandra lives inwards Mount Shasta, California.

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