DEBUNKED: Hurricanes Harvey And Irma Were NOT Caused By 'Climate Change'

(Official Geoengineering Disclosure: U.S. of A. Scientists Launch World's Biggest Solar Geoengineering Study 

by Amanda Prestigiacomo, September 19th, 2017 

As explained yesteryear environmental analyst Nicholas Loris — who cites findings together with analysis from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration together with the National Hurricane Center — "Man-made warming did non crusade Harvey together with Irma."

"As carbon dioxide together with other greenhouse gas emissions possess got increased, in that place possess got been no trends inwards global tropical wheel landfalls," states Loris. "Before Harvey together with Irma, amongst a piffling fighting of luck, the the States was inwards a 12-year hurricane drought. More importantly, the average issue of hurricanes per decade reaching landfall inwards the U.S. has fallen over the yesteryear 160 years."
Loris, a Herbert together with Joyce Morgan fellow, goes on to reiterate that his analysis is rooted inwards "mainstream science."

"This comes non via 'denier data,' but from mainstream science," he writes. "The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reported inwards its most recent scientific assessment that '(n)o robust trends inwards annual numbers of tropical storms, hurricanes, together with major hurricanes ... possess got been identified over the yesteryear 100 years inwards the North Atlantic basin,' together with that in that place are 'no pregnant observed trends inwards global tropical cyclone frequency.'"

Further, equally noted yesteryear the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration, "It is premature to conclude that human activities — together with peculiarly greenhouse gas emissions that crusade global warming — possess got already had a detectable send upon on Atlantic hurricane or global tropical cyclone activity."

Loris also debunks the notion that hurricanes are beingness so-called "supercharged" yesteryear man-made Climate Change, citing the sometime manager of the National Hurricane Center, Bill Read.

"This is non an uncommon occurrence to come across storms grow together with intensify quickly inwards the western Gulf of Mexico. That's equally long equally we've been tracking them that has occurred," Read told CNN when asked close the allegedly "supercharged" storms.

Loris, a Herbert together with Joyce Morgan fellow, goes on to reiterate that his analysis is rooted inwards "mainstream science."

"This comes non via 'denier data,' but from mainstream science," he writes. "The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reported inwards its most recent scientific assessment that '(n)o robust trends inwards annual numbers of tropical storms, hurricanes, together with major hurricanes ... possess got been identified over the yesteryear 100 years inwards the North Atlantic basin,' together with that in that place are 'no pregnant observed trends inwards global tropical cyclone frequency.'"

Further, equally noted yesteryear the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration, "It is premature to conclude that human activities — together with peculiarly greenhouse gas emissions that crusade global warming — possess got already had a detectable send upon on Atlantic hurricane or global tropical cyclone activity."

Loris also debunks the notion that hurricanes are beingness so-called "supercharged" yesteryear man-made Climate Change, citing the sometime manager of the National Hurricane Center, Bill Read.

"This is non an uncommon occurrence to come across storms grow together with intensify quickly inwards the western Gulf of Mexico. That's equally long equally we've been tracking them that has occurred," Read told CNN when asked close the allegedly "supercharged" storms.

In closing, Loris says our focus must locomote on helping our brothers together with sisters inwards Texas together with Florida, non "political opportunism."

"Policymakers should focus on improving natural disaster response, resilience together with preparedness. Blaming man-made climate alter on Harvey together with Irma is genuinely denying the data," he said.

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