Breaking: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Calls for Extradition of CDC Vaccine Criminal Mastermind Poul Thorsen to Face Charges of Criminal Scientific Misconduct

(Vicki Batts) Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (RFK Jr.) together with his squad at World Mercury Project own got drafted upward a novel study that reveals the criminal bear of CDC consultant together with vaccine cultist Poul Thorsen. With an overwhelming trunk of evidence, RFK Jr is calling for Attorney General Jeff Sessions to bring activity together with extradite Poul Thorsen therefore he tin human face to his numerous crimes. In a statement, RFK Jr declared, “World Mercury Project calls upon Attorney General Jeff Sessions to extradite Thorsen dorsum to the U.S. to human face prosecution. We also telephone phone upon Secretary of Health together with Human Services Dr. Tom Price to retract the Thorsen-affiliated autism question papers that are the fruit of illegally conducted research.”

Related De Niro & RFK, Jr. Hold Press Conference To Expose Massive Corruption inwards Vaccine Industry

Source - Natural News

by Vicki Batts, September 21st, 2017

What has World Mercury Project (WMP) uncovered? In add-on to evidence of criminal activity, new findings yesteryear WMP demo that Thorsen together with his squad never obtained permission from the Institutional Review Board (IRB) to produce their studies, published inwards 2002 yesteryear the New England Journal of Medicine together with inwards 2003 yesteryear the magazine Pediatrics. As WMP explains, this solitary detracts from the validity of their research, but to brand matters worse, records dot that the CDC was complicit inwards roofing upward this trivial “mistake.” According to the WMP report, CDC staff realized that no IRB blessing had always been granted for Thorsen’s research, but the error was exactly ignored together with the studies were never retracted. Freedom of Information Act documents demo that supervisors at the CDC looked the other agency together with actively tried to conceal what transpired.

As if all that wasn’t bad enough, the story of Poul Thorsen solely continues to acquire fifty-fifty darker. Back inwards 2011, the U.S. Department of Justice indicted Thorsen on 22 counts of wire fraud together with coin laundering subsequently he stole over a i M k dollars inwards CDC grant coin that was supposed to hold out designated for autism research. WMP explains, “The production of Thorsen’s operate for CDC was a serial of fraud-tainted articles on Danish autism rates that, today, shape the backbone of the pop orthodoxy that vaccines don’t motility autism.”

Natural News founder together with leader of CWC Labs Mike Adams has been on Poul Thorsen’s instance since 2011; at that time, Adams reported that the DOJ indictment showed Thorsen had submitted over a dozen fraudulent invoices to asking “reimbursement” for expenses that didn’t exist. These invoices were given to Aarhus University, where Thorsen was a faculty member. According to Adams, DOJ documents demo that hundreds of thousands of dollars from the academy were supposed to hold out transferred to CDC depository fiscal establishment accounts. But they weren’t; instead the funds were transferred to a personal depository fiscal establishment trouble organisation human relationship belonging to…Poul Thorsen. The documents reportedly demo that Thorsen together with then used the coin to “live it up,” if you lot will; he bought a house, cars, a motorbike together with got multiple cashier’s checks alongside the wrongfully obtained money. Thorsen should hold out inwards prison theatre for the remainder of his life; fifty-fifty though the DOJ said inwards 2011 they had begun extradition proceedings, for some argue he is all the same a complimentary man. How deep does government corruption genuinely run?

And every bit WMP notes, Thorsen’s faulty studies move on to hold out used to deny whatever form of correlation betwixt autism together with vaccination to this day. His question was also used inwards the NVICP’s “Omnibus Proceeding,” which saw 5000 petitions yesteryear families who claimed that their children had developed autism from vaccines halt upward getting dismissed. WMP estimates that if these cases had been settled inwards the families’ favor, all the payouts would own got amounted to closed to $10 billion — certainly, zippo to sneeze at.

The Health Ranger reported on this half-dozen years agone — together with things haven’t changed much since that time. Will RFK Jr’s telephone phone to activity aid acquire the ball rolling, or volition the DOJ move on to sit down on their hands while this criminal roams free?
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