America isn't Broke, exactly the USA, Inc. is Bankrupt -- Anna von Reitz Responds to Benjamin Fulford

(Anna von ReitzI am sick of this constant --- in addition to irresponsible --- rant that the "U.S. is the most indebted field inward history"---- which somehow neatly avoids the indicate that the "U.S." is non America in addition to that America is the paramount safety involvement holder in addition to Priority Creditor of non alone the "U.S." --- pregnant the profligate Municipal in addition to Territorial Governments, but also all the corporations that receive got chartered nether them.

Related Anna von Reitz: Definitive Reply to H.E. HRH Earnest Rauthschild -- RE: "THE ROYALS," Issues Cease in addition to Desist Order to Cabal: "THE KEEPERS"

Source - Operation Disclosure

Calling Out Ben Fulford

by Anna von Reitz, September 18th, 2017

America--- pregnant the American states in addition to people --- is the richest province on public in addition to yesteryear far the greatest Creditor. America owns all the Territorial in addition to Municipal Governments worldwide including CHINA in addition to JAPAN.

And all the corporations that receive got been formed nether the auspices of all these Territorial in addition to Municipal Governments.

Try to hollo back of a major commercial corporation that has non been chartered nether the auspices of either a Territorial or Municipal Government worldwide? You volition receive got a really difficult fourth dimension doing that, because the alone other selection is a Common Law Charter, in addition to those haven't been unremarkably used since the 1700's.

Related The National Debt Is Not For Americans To Payback | History of The Corporate Takeover of The Continental United States

This way that when America pulls the chain, the residuum of the countries on this planet require to ain upward to their ain debts to us --- non the "U.S." pregnant the cesspool inward the District of Columbia--- which is the responsibleness of the Pope in addition to the British Monarch.

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 lot of people receive got been buying into this "Boo-Hoo! America is dead! America owes everyone money! America is bankrupt!" bull in addition to the fact of the affair is that America is the Priority Creditor of the entire world.

It's the "U.S." that is bankrupt --- good in addition to deservedly in addition to then --- in addition to it is the occupation of the British Monarch in addition to the Pope that it is, because the "U.S." is right away in addition to e'er has been a carve upward in addition to unusual entity from the American states in addition to people, operated nether the auspices of the British Government (Territorial United States) in addition to Holy See (Municipal United States).

Related Puerto Rico Just Became the First U.S. Territory to Declare Bankruptcy

So if they owe Communist People's Republic of China money, here's a wake upward telephone band --- they owe us money, too, in addition to a helluva lot to a greater extent than than they owe China. And nosotros tin however blow the planet sky-high if anyone actually doubts that or wants to fighting it.

Wake up, Ben. And wake upward all your buddies inward the White Dragon Society. You are dealing amongst 3 carve upward entities hither on this continent --- 2 of which, the Territorial the States in addition to the Municipal the States are bankrupt -- in addition to i which is the Priority Creditor of the whole planet.

Now that y'all receive got that straight, locomote tell the Chinese in addition to the Europeans in addition to the Pope in addition to the Queen in addition to the World Bank in addition to the World Court. Turns out that the lawful American Government however exists, albeit, operating primarily inward the international jurisdiction of the land. 

We receive got spent the yesteryear hundred years rebuilding the public in addition to nosotros receive got no want to destroy it for the sake of debt, most of which is illusory anyway, but inward the same token, nosotros are non gilding whatever lilies in addition to non allowing people to error us for the "U.S." anymore.

The American states in addition to people receive got e'er been carve upward in addition to sovereign entities in addition to nosotros are non responsible for the debts of the Territorial in addition to Municipal United States.

We are instead their Priority Creditors.

The American Government is non the "U.S." Government in addition to never has been.

Spread the word.

Related Benjamin Fulford Responds To Anna Von Reitz -- September 19th 2017
See this article in addition to over 700 others on Anna's website
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