Antifa inwards Attack Mode Against Old School Liberals

Yesterday, the Antfia podcast Hotwire had every bit its guests the anti-fascists Rebel Girl in addition to Mel.

Their comments volition non residual tardily amongst onetime schoolhouse liberals (my bold):
Rebel Girl: Militant responses similar the shutdown of Milo Yiannopolous’ speak at Berkeley bring drawn heated criticism from liberals. Considering this weekend’s protests had a larger turnout amongst to a greater extent than liberal types, what was the dynamic betwixt counter-protesters like?
Mel: The dynamic was surprising. I recollect that at that topographic point was a deviation on Lord's Day inwards that folks who were non explicitly antifascist, every bit inwards dark bloc, were genuinely really supportive of the dark bloc in addition to its tactic in addition to the message to the fascists that “you are non welcome here, past times whatever agency necessary.” So at that topographic point was a lot of support, which was genuinely overwhelming in addition to virtually difficult to believe. It felt genuinely genuine. However, at that topographic point was withal a pretty meaning presence of truthful liberals who concur upward their “white quiet is violence” cardboard signs only withal hurl profanities at anyone dressed inwards black.
Violence tin flame endure strategic, it tin flame endure a tactic, only I recollect the violence that is most concerning to me every bit a someone of color is the violence that exists daily from groups similar that, from people similar that: the liberals inwards Berkeley who volition produce anything inwards the cite of gratis spoken language only too boot the bucket along to gentrify, in addition to boot the bucket along to telephone outcry upward the cops on communities of color.
It is no wonder the mainstream left is ditching Antifa.

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