8 ridiculous reasons Africans accept kids

by Daniel Nkado

When it comes to existence a practiced parent, Africans create non come upward unopen to the list.

From incessant verbal as well as physical abuse to lack of whatever excogitation for a child's well-being as well as future, African parents are top on the listing of horrible parenting.

The major motion of this seems to endure the fact that most of them never actually wanted children. True. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 lot of African parents decided to own got kids for a publish of reasons, most of them selfish, but never actually because they dear the see of children.

Here are mutual reasons people of Africa create upward one's heed to own got kids:

1. Societal pressure

The African companionship as well as civilization shuns barrenness. Getting married as well as raising kids are counted every bit i of the major ways to escape existence labelled irresponsible. I recollect i time my dad telling me that his dad [my granddad] had told him that until he got married as well as had kids, he hasn't move a man. Such gross line of thought. And inward the goal yous meet people alone deciding to own got kids simply to fit in.

2. Religion

In all the mutual religions of Africa; Islam, Christianity or fifty-fifty the traditional African religion, having kids is revered. People ofttimes attribute lack of kids to some penalty past times a god or some deity. Nobody takes into line of piece of job organisation human relationship the fact that they may non endure financially or medically jibe to own got kids.

3. Retirement scheme

In fact, I intend this is the major argue why every African soul desire kids. Kids are seen every bit a pension plan, form out of, to autumn dorsum on when they've move one-time as well as tin forcefulness out no longer work. In some real civilized countries, the responsibleness of taking assist of the aged falls on the authorities as well as charities. But inward Africa, the duty of caring for the one-time falls on the person's children, who inward plough must travail to own got their ain kids that volition eventually accept assist of them.

4. Lack of access to affordable contraceptives

A lot of parents today are mothers as well as fathers because they did non know about, or could non afford condoms or other forms of contraception.

5. For showing off

Because nosotros alive inward a companionship that counts kids every bit i of a person's achievements, it is non foreign that yous meet many people trying to pick out care of this chance of a relatively tardily agency to bring together the achiever's club.

6. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 minute hazard at life

A lot of African parents likewise believe that i solar daytime their children volition grow upward to move all they couldn't accomplish inward their ain time. This is the argue why fifty-fifty beggars as well as homeless people larn by to procreate.

7. For an elaborate interment afterwards death

It non uncommon to listen an African saying: "If I don't own got children, who volition bury me when I die?" The materialistic civilization of my people doesn't goal fifty-fifty inward death. Having children volition ensure a proper, elegant burial ceremony is conducted i time i passes on. In my place, at that topographic point is a belief that failing to comport this ceremony the agency it ought to endure for the dead, that their ghosts volition proceed coming dorsum to haunt people.

8. To cement a marriage

In Africa, it is likewise non uncommon to listen people country that because a adult woman is yet to give nativity to a child, her spousal human relationship is nonetheless shaky. This same ridiculous civilization causes the preference for man child children over girls, because, according to some, boys are trees spell girls are flowers. The flowers gets plucked i time they are ripe but the trees volition remain.


Some may at i time inquire me, what thus is a practiced plenty argue to desire to own got children?

To me, I tin forcefulness out alone abide by one: commitment.

That is, deciding to own got a child, because yous are sure enough yous at i time own got the patience, knowledge, energy, fourth dimension as well as resources to enhance an emotionally, psychologically as well as physically audio person.

Because existence a bring upward is to a greater extent than virtually giving than taking.

When yous await at it this way, thus yous volition likewise realize that yous must non own got sex, larn meaning or impregnate someone to move a parent.

There are simply thus many kids out at that topographic point who own got no i to assist or cater for them--instead of struggling to convey more, why non selection i as well as give him or her the life that a kid genuinely deserves?


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