5 reasons homosexuality should non locomote a crime

by Dr Ransome

the arrest together with arraignment of xl gay 'suspects'.

Much worse than the fact that this is happening at a fourth dimension when gay people inwards other countries are non only allowed to hook upwards amongst but are asset populace offices too, is the celebratory air many Nigerians are sharing the even with.

Like saying, "Oh wow, in conclusion it feels practiced to endure Nigerian again. Kudos to our laws together with government, nosotros are at nowadays prophylactic together with happy because xl gay persons were arrested past times the police! All our problems are solved, praise God!"

It is quite ironic that it was a president nether which ane of the greatest total of looting inwards Nigeria's history occurred that signed the mouth criminalizing homosexuality.

Since the same-sex prohibition law came into upshot inwards 2014, I can’t yet pinpoint ane assort of progress it has brought to Nigeria. We are soundless battling amongst unemployment, pathetic infrastructure, electricity issues together with the residual of them.

Here are scope v arguments against homosexuality that makes no sense:

1. "Homosexuality is a choice"

If this is true, that way nosotros are all either gay or straight, together with are capable of easily switching attractions to conform our needs. You together with I know that this isn't at all true. You can’t tell that homosexuality is a selection whatever to a greater extent than than you lot tin tell that heterosexuality is a choice.

Besides, fifty-fifty if homosexuality were to be a choice, nosotros cannot soundless discriminate against homosexuals only because they “choose” to endure homosexual either, just the same way nosotros can't showtime discriminating against people who chose a
particular religious belief over the other.

2. "Homosexuality is condemned inwards the Bible"

Really? The Bible says lots of other horrible things too. The Bible says that you lot tin execute people for cheating on their spouses (Leviticus 20:10), but you lot wouldn’t do this, because you lot know that inwards a civilized republic a individual does non deserve to endure executed for cheating.

The Bible also says that you lot tin proceed slaves (Exodus 21:2-6), but you lot wouldn’t do this either, because you lot know that slavery is an abomination.

Pork, tattoos, rounded haircuts together with women speaking inwards churchname themwere also prohibited inwards the Bible.

If these things aren’t correct just because they are taught inwards the Bible, condemning homosexuals (Leviticus 18:22, 20:13) isn’t correct just because it is taught inwards the Bible, either.

Does it actually brand sense to pick ane together with move out out the rest?

3. "Homosexuality is incorrect because it is unnatural"

Something is non just correct just because it is natural, or incorrect just because it is unnatural.

Clearly, rape together with murder are a constituent of human nature, but nosotros don’t tell that these things are right, because they terms people; similarly, airplanes together with computers are unnatural, but nobody goes around protesting against them, because they brand our lives easier. So, no, homosexuality is non incorrect just because it is unnatural.

Besides, the claim that homosexuality is unnatural is in all probability incorrect anyway. In 2008, amygdalae [a department of the encephalon that play a primal operate inwards the processing of emotions] of lesbians business office differently from the amygdalae of right away women, piece the amygdalae of homosexual men business office differently from the amygdalae of heterosexual men.

And inwards 1991, many species together with throughout human cultures together with history. So, no, it is in all probability non truthful that homosexuality is unnatural.

4. “Same-sex wedlock is incorrect because homosexuals do non procreate.”

True. Homosexuals do non procreate. Neither do sterile couples; couples inwards which the adult woman is post-menopausal; couples inwards which the adult woman has been hysterectomized; couples who select to adopt rather than procreate; or couples who only select non to lead keep children.

Perhaps nosotros should ban wedlock for all of these people, too, together with if a twain does non create children inside an allotted number of years, their wedlock volition endure automatically annulled. Obviously, this is ridiculous
not to cite socially damagingand nosotros concord that all of these people should endure allowed to hook upwards amongst fifty-fifty if they do non procreate. This is because wedlock is also near love, together with non just making babies. It follows, then, that homosexuals should endure allowed to hook upwards amongst each other because they dear each other, too.

Besides, homosexuals tin lead keep children. In a basis verging on viii billion humans, the human species is hardly nether threat of extinction, thus making to a greater extent than people isn’t just a pressing need.

What is a pressing need, however, is to honour caretakers for all of the children abandoned past times their heterosexual parents. Thank goodness, then, for homosexual couples, who tin accept attention of these children because they don’t already lead keep their hands total amongst their ain screaming brood.

If homosexuals were legally allowed to hook upwards amongst together with adopt, this would hateful a higher number of legally protected delineate solid unit of measurement units headed past times loving, committed couples, which, inwards turn, could only atomic number 82 to a happier, to a greater extent than stable together with cohesive society.

So, no, gay wedlock is non incorrect just because homosexuals do non procreate.

5. "Giving gay people liberty volition plough everybody gay."

Laughable. Sexual orientation is non something that tin endure flipped. There were times inwards the past times when homosexuals were subjected to all forms of treatments, yet none of them always worked.

Unless that individual is actually gay, no total of consider volition plough a right away individual gay. Bear inwards hear though that sexuality is non binary. People tin also endure pansexual, bisexual or just curious.

Also, having a same-sex run into does non necessarily show someone is gay.


Dr. Ransome, writing solely for !

Sumber http://www.dnbstories.com/
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