The Good together with Bad nigh Religion

by Daniel J. Boorstin

Religion provides belief to the people when they are downwards in addition to out. It is the binding cloth for the club in addition to provides objectives to people inwards their lives.

There are many religions inwards the public such every bit Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Buddhism in addition to Sikhism, to cite a few.

They cause got existed since ancient times in addition to locomote along to create so.

However, religions cause got also beingness the major source of conflicts only about the world. In fact, it is a sweetness in addition to bitter pill which is necessary for human life.

Let's accept a hold off at both the advantages in addition to disadvantages of religion:

Positive sides of religion:

1. Mental peace

The realization of the supreme ability inwards a higher house the human ego is entirely possible yesteryear next the path of religion. It teaches us that wealth would non rest amongst us subsequently kicking the bucket but it is the expert deeds that would remain inwards eternity. H5N1 religious soul never loses focus in addition to enjoys peace of mind.

2. Social work

Many religious organizations are engaged inwards social function that contributes towards the welfare of society. They render alms to the poor in addition to also prepare educational institutions then that the youth tin cause got access to formal every bit good every bit higher education. Religion promotes expert volition inwards the club yesteryear fostering a feel of brotherhood amidst the people.

3. Compassionate behavior

Religious people are compassionate towards others every bit faith teaches its followers to survive benevolent in addition to sympathetic towards the other human beings. It regulates life in addition to encourages individuals non to indulge inwards bad habits that are detrimental to society. Majority of people suffering from drug-related addiction plough towards faith to prepare volition ability then that they tin exit the habit.

4. Wisdom

Holy books from Gita to Bible impart wisdom to the people which benefits the humanity every bit a whole. All religions position stress on next the path of righteousness in addition to function towards the betterment of the society. They learn us to differentiate betwixt the correct in addition to incorrect on the earth.

Negative sides of religion:

1 Religion every bit an expansionist tool

Since fourth dimension immemorial, faith was used yesteryear the empires to struggle wars amongst other kingdoms. Followers of a item faith believe that their teachings are superior to other religions.

2. Lack of scientific outlook

One of the major drawbacks of faith is the belief that the public originated from a supernatural power. Scientific rational thinking is discouraged in addition to people shout for questions based on argue are hounded or fifty-fifty killed.

3. Discrimination against minorities

A religious nation rarely respects the rights of the minority religion. Forced conversions are rampant amongst regular diatribes launched against the youngster communities.

4. Lack of Progress

Overtly religious societies cannot progress every bit they create non permit complimentary thinking. Innovation in addition to scientific inventions are entirely possible when people are encouraged to intend out of the box. It is entirely possible when faith is non adopted every bit the means of life.

5. Political tool

Political parties only about the public exploit the full general discontentment amidst the people to whip upwards the religious passion in addition to capture power. It is a unsafe tendency leading to state of war that mightiness campaign large-scale casualties inwards price of human life in addition to property.

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