Kim Jung Un Says He Has the H Bomb

During a see to the country's Nuclear Weapons Institute, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un "watched an H-bomb to last loaded into novel ICBM (intercontinental ballistic missile)," reports the Korean Central News Agency.

  "The H-bomb, the explosive ability of which is adjustable from tens kiloton to hundreds kiloton, is a multi-functional thermonuclear nuke alongside groovy destructive ability which tin scope the axe last detonated fifty-fifty at high altitudes for super-powerful EMP (electromagnetic pulse) assault according to strategic goals," KCNA reported inwards English.

There was no independent confirmation of the claims.

Between this North Korean nutjob and Trump, I actually wouldn't desire to last living inwards Republic of Korea correct now.

Please, please, to a greater extent than or less trunk delight scope the nipper a little league partitioning of the NBA!

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