In 1922 Mussolini's Blackshirts marched on Rome together with made such a practiced impression that the Rex offered Mussolini the government. 

Now a small-scale right-wing political party Forza Nuova (New Force) is planning to follow inwards Il Duce's footsteps amongst a march of their own on the 95th anniversary of the master effect adjacent month.

Naturally, leftists are shitting bricks at the prospect of brave nationalists marching inwards the streets, evoking the spirits of a yesteryear when Italy was nonetheless a proud acre amongst heroes to defend it. In fact, they are together with thence freaked out that a grouping of 45 MPs from the governing Democratic Party has signed  a petition begging the interior government minister to halt the march. 

These are the same MPs who are totally unconcerned nigh hundreds of thousands of African migrants washing upwardly on the shores of Italy together with gang raping tourists, every bit happened of late inwards Rimini where a gang of migrants ravaged a beautiful immature Polish woman spell her fellow was beaten to a pulp together with forced to lookout adult man yesteryear these sickos. 

This mightiness merely hold out a wild gauge but I intend nine out of 10 Italians would prefer actual Blackshirts marching through their streets than roaming gangs of migrants raping their women. If that is literally the selection they are offering people, create they realize what volition happen? Luckily, Forza Nuova is a democratic nationalist political party that is seeking the reform of Italy through the ballot box. 

Mussolini's master march ushered inwards xx years of largely successful modernization together with expansion yesteryear the Italian state, until the Italians unfortunately chose the losing side inwards World War II together with ended upwardly every bit a cuck dry reason for NATO together with the EU. But despite that, Italy has managed to retain a potent nationalist chemical ingredient inwards its politics, 1 that ensures that the possibility of a nationalist comeback is never every bit good far away. 

Roberto Fiore, the leader of Forza Nuova, said the march would hold out a demonstration of patriotism, pure together with simple. 
“We desire to march inwards the centre of Rome together with the interior ministry building would hold out incorrect to ban us,” Fiore told reporters.  
Forza Nuova,  advocates an cease to immigration, payments for mothers (Italy is existence destroyed yesteryear 1 of the lowest nascence rates inwards the world), together with sends its activists on security patrols inwards neighbourhoods made unsafe yesteryear "ethnic enrichment." So, let's hold out clear, these are the practiced guys.

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