Richard Spencer inwards the midst of the Alt-Right phalanx.

The genocide of the White race inwards its homelands (and, yes, that includes America obviously) is non going to hold out stopped without a for sure amount of, shall nosotros say, "unpleasantness." Charlottesville proves that. 

Alt-Righters together with other patriots gathered for a peaceful together with disciplined protest, amongst the total expectation of politicized police describe together with antifa launching a coordinated attack, which is precisely what happened.

First, a dubious "state of emergency" was declared past times the Democratic Governor of Virgina Terry McAuliffe, allowing the politicized police describe to get-go pushing patriots around. 

Meanwhile tearing antifa groups were allowed consummate liberty to get together together with launch their attacks -- several protesters were maced together with injured past times blows together with missiles spell the politicized police describe stood past times together with did nothing. 
The politicized police describe stood past times spell the Left attacked
our people literally amongst flamethrowers.

The goals, every bit always, were (1) to physically impairment nationalists together with (2) provoke them into acts of self defense strength that could after hold out spun, through mistaken media, every bit "Nazi violence, oy vey!" (dead meme).

But this time, it seems the Gods were on our side, every bit none of our guys died, spell iii of the enemy died, together with they weren't fifty-fifty killed past times Alt-Righters inwards acts of heroic self defense strength (more on that later). 

The 2 politicised pigs flight the helicopter were killed after the helicopter spiralled out of command after buzzing together with spying on protesters. 

Boo hoo, together with then sad, never mind.

The solitary antifa, a 32-year-old woman, was killed inwards to a greater extent than complex together with ambiguous circumstances, when a 20-year-old White man, James Alex Fields, apparently panicked together with drove his machine into a large, violent, Left-wing mob swarming circular his car. There is straightaway much speculation nigh this. 

Fields crashes into tearing mob.

The leftist together with anti-White media are of course of didactics trying to link him to the Alt-Right, but, from everything they accept dug upwardly nigh him, he appears to hold out at worst a confused loner who was acting direct opposite to the spirit together with intentions of the organizers of the demonstration, together with mayhap inwards direct reply to the police describe sanctioned Leftist violence. 

The i expiry together with several injuries that occurred every bit a outcome of this incident tin effectively be chalked upwardly to a self-inflicted antifa death, aided past times police describe sanctioned anarchy. The blood inwards this illustration is every bit much on the hands of Governor McAuliffe, the town authorities, the police, together with the antifa every bit it is on the hands of the car's driver. 

James Alex Fields

But to a greater extent than of import than the deaths of iii people standing on the incorrect side of history, the events of the solar daytime also completely confirm several Alt-Right narratives, demonstrating:

1. The racist Anti-White policing double standard: well-behaved White demonstrators are maced together with attacked past times police, spell BLM together with anarchist demonstrators are "given infinite to destroy."

2. The collusion of the police describe together with antifa inwards Leftist controlled states together with college towns similar Berkeley together with straightaway Virginia.

3. The fact that antifa are terrorist organizations that include severely mentally dysfunctional people who are inherently violent.

4. The fact that the Leftist media together with mistaken word corporations create EVERYTHING to normalize together with encourage this form of violence.

So, all-in-all, August twelfth volition hold out remembered every bit a massive solar daytime for the Alt-Right, together with an enormous victory that volition spawn countless to a greater extent than victories inwards the future.  

Andy Nowicki joins the fray.

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