Nigeria deploys warship to Gambia


Nigeria's newest warship NNS Unity is reportedly sailing towards Republic of The Gambia now.

In a novel study past times BBC, the NNS Unity, is sailing towards The Republic of The Gambia ahead of a possible military machine intervention over Jammeh's refusal to handover to President-elect, Adama Barrow.

The study farther claimed a military machine origin hinted that the NNS Unity is currently sailing off the coast of Republic of Ghana afterwards leaving from the commercial uppercase of Lagos.

In the same vein, Senegal is reportedly preparing seat down troops ahead of Thursday’s deadline should Jammeh reject to stepdown in addition to handover to Barrow.

Nigeria's President Muhammadu Buhari has been leading mediation efforts to persuade Jammeh to manus ability to Barrow, who defeated him at the Dec 1, 2016 election.

On Monday, Jan 16, 2017, 4 ministers in addition to heads of run past times authorities agencies inward the Republic of The Gambia resigned from Jammeh's cabinet.

However, the Nigerian Military headquarters had denied plans of launching an assail or preparing the regular army to intervene should Jammeh reject to stride down.

Meanwhile, Yahya Jammeh has declared a 90-day province of emergency inward the Gambia, solely a solar daytime earlier his official mandate ends.

He decried "extraordinary" unusual interference inward his country's affairs in addition to December's election.
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