5 words you lot in all probability bring been pronouncing wrong

by DNB Editorial Team

English linguistic communication is hard, fifty-fifty to the English.

Here are five pronunciations you lot in all likelihood convey been getting incorrect the whole time.

1. Lettuce - a mutual constitute grown for its edible leaves, commonly eaten inwards salads

It is non le-TEWS exactly le-TIS

2. Quay - a platform that runs along the border of a port or harbor, where boats are loaded as well as unloaded

It is non KWAY but KEE (key)

3. Epitome - a perfect event of something

It is non E-pee-tome exactly I-pee-tome

4. Alumni - plural of Alumnus

It is non Alum-NEE exactly Alum-NAI

5. Salmon - a type of fish

It is non SAL-mon exactly SA-mon (L is silent)

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